Advocacy Actions

2020-01-26 > All chapters

Comments to the NPC on the Deed Tax Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft for Comments)

Finance & Taxation Working Group submitted comments to the National People’s Congress of China on the Deed Tax Law of the People's Republic of China.

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2020-01-26 > All chapters

Comments to the NPC on the Urban Maintenance and Construction Tax Law (Draft for Comments)

Finance & Taxation and Construction Working Groups submitted comments to the National People’s Congress on the Urban Maintenance and Construction Tax Law of the People's Republic of China.

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2020-01-23 > All chapters

Comments to the CAAC's Draft 'Trial Aviation Fuel Quality Approval and Supervision Procedure'

The Aviation and Aerospace Working Group submitted comments to the Civil Aviation Administration of China's (CAAC's) draft 'Trial Aviation Fuel Quality Approval and Supervision Procedure'.

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2020-01-20 > Beijing, Southwest China

Telephone Conference with Sichuan HSA on the Draft 'Reforming the Administration of High-value Consumables'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group and the Sichuan Health Security Administration (HSA) hold a telephone conference to discuss the draft 'Reforming the Administration of High-value Consumable Medical Devices in Sichuan Province'.

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2020-01-17 > Beijing, Southwest China

Comments to Sichuan HSA's draft 'Reforming the Administration of High-value Consumables'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the Sichuan Healthcare Security Administration's (Sichuan HSA's) draft document 'Reforming the Administration of High-value Consumable Medical Devices in Sichuan Province'.

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2020-01-15 > All chapters

EU Tour - Pre-departure meeting between EU Tour Delegates and EU Ambassador Nicolas Chapuis

On 15th January, a delegation of senior industry representatives participating in the EU Tour led by President Joerg Wuttke met EU Ambassador H.E. Nicolas Chapuis for dinner.

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2020-01-02 > All chapters

Comments to Ministry of Finance on the draft Consumption Tax Law of the People's Republic of China

Finance & Taxation, GA Forum, Fashion & Leather desk, Agriculture, Food and Beverage Working Group jointly submitted comments to the Ministry of Finance on the Consumption Tax Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft for Comments)

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2018-12-21 > All chapters

Meeting with General Operation Department of General Administration of Customs in China (GACC)

Director General of the General Operation Department, Jin Hai of General Administration of Customs in China (GACC) introduced the newly merged organization and the GACC's reform achievements in 2018. GACC representatives from the General Operation Department, Customs Control Department, Enterprise Management Department, Supervision and Internal Auditing Department, and Import and Export Food Safety Bureau also attended the meeting and answered Chamber representatives' questions.

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2018-12-14 > All chapters

Meeting with Ministry of Transportation (MOT) and Position Paper 2018/2019 Presentation

Chamber International Liner Shipping Working Group (ILS WG) representatives attended the meeting with Director-General Li Tianbi of Ministry of Transportation (MOT). European Business in China Position Paper 2018/2019 was presented by Jens Eskelund, the Chair of ILS WG to the DG Li at the end of the meeting.

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2018-12-14 > All chapters

Meeting with General Administration of Customs in China (GACC) and Position Paper 2018/2019 Presentation

Chamber International Liner Shipping Working Group representatives attended the meeting with Deputy Director General Miao Yuexue and Section Chief Luo Yi of General Administration of Customs in China (GACC). European Business in China Position Paper 2018/2019 was presented by Jens Eskelund, the Chair of ILS WG to the DDG Miao at the end of the meeting.

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