Advocacy Actions

2020-06-22 > All chapters

9th EU - China Energy Dialogue

EU- China Energy Dialogue -back to back with the EU-China Summit, led by commissioner Kadri Simson and Administrator ZHANG Jianhua

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2020-06-18 > Nanjing

Meeting with Mr Zhao Jianjun, Director General of Jiangsu Department of Commerce

On 18th June, Bernhard Weber, chair of the European Chamber Nanjing Chapter, led a delegation of Nanjing members to meet with Zhao Jianjun, director general of the Jiangsu Department of Commerce.

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2020-06-18 > All chapters

Exclusive Dialogue with Director General Han Shengjian, Hainan Provincial Bureau of International

On the afternoon of 18th June, the European Chamber held its exclusive dialogue with Director General (DG) Han Shengjian, Hainan Provincial Bureau of International Economic Development on the interpretation of policies and future plan of Hainan Free Trade Port. The webinar included nearly one hour of Q&A section for representatives from various industries to discuss their questions with relevant departments of Hainan government.

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2020-06-17 > All chapters

ECHI-Feedback on local tests and paper publication from SAMR

The SAMR provided feedback on the issue of repetitive local test lobbying and a paper disclosure following the last phone call and eamil request from the ECHI.

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2020-06-17 > South China

South China General Manager Meets Director of Guangzhou Development District Investment Promotion Bureau

South China General Manager, Francine Hadjisotiriou, and South China Guangzhou Office Business and Government Affairs, Peter Drucker, met with Deputy Director of Guangzhou Development District Investment Promotion Bureau, Wang Yang, the Chief of Department for GDD Investment Promotion Department, Jinna Tseng, and Peter Helis of Helis & Associates and Chief Advisor of Guangzhou Huangpu District.

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2020-06-16 > All chapters

Meeting with Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson

On 16th June, a group of Advisory Council members and Energy Working Group Chairs led by President Joerg Wuttke met with Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson.

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2020-06-16 > All chapters

President Wuttke presents the Chamber's BCS 2020 to Heads of Mission

On 16th June, European Chamber President Joerg Wuttke presented the findings of the 2020 Business Confidence Survey (BCS) to European member state Heads of Mission.

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2020-06-15 > All chapters

Phonecall with the Secretary-General of the Remanufacture Committee of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CPRA).

On 15th June, 2020, key representatives from the Auto components Working Group had a con-call with the Secretary General of the Remanufacture Committee of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CPRA). Some issues of key importance to the remanufacturing industry and Chamber paper content of arguments were discussed. The meeting was a follow up to the advocacy actions the Chamber had with SG Xie back in March after their Yangze River Delta Visits in June.

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2020-06-13 > All chapters

Submitted comments to the NPC on the Biosecurity Law

The National People’s Congress (NPC) issued a call for comments on the Biosecurity Law (the second draft for review) with an official deadline on 13th June.

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2020-06-12 > All chapters

President Wuttke Delivered a Speech at the Special Event of Global 500 Fortune and Famous Foreign Companies Energizing Wuhan

On 12th June morning, European Chamber President Joerg Wuttke was invited to attend the on-line session of the Special Event of Global 500 Fortune and Famous Foreign Companies Energizing Wuhan. Wuhan Municipal Party Secretary Wang Zhonglin attended as well and gave an opening address and nearly 80 representatives from foreign chambers of commerce, Fortune 500 companies participated in the event.

As the 1st guest to deliver the speech, President Wuttke mentioned that the Chamber in China had faced immense challenges stemming from the COVID-19 outbreak, but nothing compared to the heroic fight of the people of Wuhan, especially the sacrifice and endurance of your medical professionals. Along with the priceless success in COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control, now was considered as a good timing for Chinese government to further liberalize the economy and open up the market to the world.

The European Chamber will continue to emphasize the opportunities in Wuhan, the transportation and industrial hub of central China. And 2020 should be more than just the year that Wuhan and the world were ravaged by plague, but also into a landmark year in China’s economic story.

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