Advocacy Actions

2018-12-20 > Beijing, Shenyang

Seminar on the 'Guideline for Evaluating the Risk-Benefit Ratio of Medical Devices'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group participated in a Seminar on the ''Guideline for Evaluating the Risk-Benefit Ratio of Medical Devices'

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2018-12-14 > All chapters

Meeting with Ministry of Transportation (MOT) and Position Paper 2018/2019 Presentation

Chamber International Liner Shipping Working Group (ILS WG) representatives attended the meeting with Director-General Li Tianbi of Ministry of Transportation (MOT). European Business in China Position Paper 2018/2019 was presented by Jens Eskelund, the Chair of ILS WG to the DG Li at the end of the meeting.

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2018-12-14 > All chapters

Meeting with General Administration of Customs in China (GACC) and Position Paper 2018/2019 Presentation

Chamber International Liner Shipping Working Group representatives attended the meeting with Deputy Director General Miao Yuexue and Section Chief Luo Yi of General Administration of Customs in China (GACC). European Business in China Position Paper 2018/2019 was presented by Jens Eskelund, the Chair of ILS WG to the DDG Miao at the end of the meeting.

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2018-12-12 > All chapters

2018 China-EU Conference on Sustainable Urbanisation - Digital Xiong'an·Empowering the Future

On 12th December, European Chamber Vice President Massimo Bagnasco led a delegation of 35 member representatives to attend the ‘2018 China-EU Conference on Sustainable Urbanisation: Digital Xiong’an Empowering the Future’.

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2018-12-05 > All chapters

Comments to SAMR on the Interim Measures for Procedure on Market Regulation Administrative Penalty (Draft for Comment)

The European Chamber submitted collated comments on the draft Interim Measures for Procedure on Market Regulation Administrative Penalty to the State Administration for Market Regulation.

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2018-11-28 > All chapters

Chamber Vice President Speaks at GSMA Beijing Innovation Forum on 5G Intelligent Connectivity

Michael Chang, Vice President of the European Chamber, joined a roundtable discussion on new industries, business models and ecosystems created by 5G during the Beijing Innovation Forum on 5G Intelligent Connectivity organised by the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSMA) on 28th November.

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2018-11-22 > Shenyang

Round Table Discussion with SY Business Environment Creation Bureau on 22th November 2018

Ms. Marine Chen, General Manager of the European Chamber’s Shenyang Chapter, delivered a Round Table Discussion with SY Business Environment Creation Bureau on 22th November in Shenyang.

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2018-11-16 > All chapters

President Mats Harborn Spoke at The 5th Meeting of China Outbound & Inbound Forum organised by the Centre For China and Globalisation

European Chamber President Mats Harborn attended The 5th Meeting of China Outbound & Inbound Forum organised by the Centre For China and Globalisation (CCG) in Sanya.

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2018-11-15 > All chapters

Comments to the SAT's Urban Maintenance and Construction Tax Law

European Chamber Finance and Taxation, Construction, Environment and Petrochemicals, Chemicals and Refining working groups comments on the State Administration of Taxation's Urban Maintenance and Construction Tax Law (Draft for Opinions).

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2018-11-13 > All chapters

Chamber President Meets Madeleine K. Albright, the Former Secretary of State, USA

On 13th November, the European Chamber of Commerce in China (European Chamber) President Mats Harborn met with Madeleine K. Albright, the Former Secretary of State, the United States of America at a lunch meeting organized by one of the Chamber member companies. The Secretary delivered a short and brilliant speech and expressed her perspectives on the US-China relations at the meeting.

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