Advocacy Actions

2019-11-13 > All chapters

“Will Perform Better Role as Think-tank Platform and Deepen Cooperation with Industrial Sector”: CCIEE Vice Chair and CEO Zhang Xiaoqiang hosts European Chamber delegation

On 13th November, European Chamber Vice President (VP) Charlotte Roule led a delegation to the China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE) to meet with its Vice Chair (VC) and CEO Zhang Xiaoqiang. The Chamber delegation included representatives from the Energy, Environment and Banking and Securities working groups, Quality and Safety Services Sub-working Group, Paediatric Nutrition Desk and Government Affairs Forum.

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2019-08-02 > All chapters

Comments to the National People's Congress on Solid Waste Environmental Pollution Prevention Control Law (Draft))

On 2nd Aug., the European Chamber's Environment Working Group submitted collated comments to the National People's Congress on Solid Waste Environmental Pollution Prevention Control Law (Draft) (《固体废物污染环境防治法(修订草案)》)

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2019-02-22 > All chapters

Meeting with Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee and SCOFCOM on the Draft Foreign Investment Law

On February 22, 2019, the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce hosted a symposium to solicit opinions on the draft Foreign Investment Law. Representative of the European Chamber's Legal & Competition Working Group attended the symposium and presented members’ feedback and concerns.

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2018-11-15 > All chapters

Comments to the SAT's Urban Maintenance and Construction Tax Law

European Chamber Finance and Taxation, Construction, Environment and Petrochemicals, Chemicals and Refining working groups comments on the State Administration of Taxation's Urban Maintenance and Construction Tax Law (Draft for Opinions).

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2018-08-17 > All chapters

Comments to the MEE's Draft Amendment to the Solid Waste Pollution Prevention Law

The European Union Chamber of Commerce welcomes the decision of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment to call for comments on the <Draft Amendment to the Solid Waste Pollution Prevention Law>. The European Chamber welcomes this Draft Amendment as a step to make solid waste pollution prevention in China more aligned with international practice. There are, however, some aspects that we would like to comment from this Draft Amendment.

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2018-05-18 > Beijing, Tianjin

2018 EU-China Forum on Sustainable Urban Development and EU-China Intelligent Technology Innovation Summit

On 18 May 2018, the China Centre for Urban Development and the Tianjin Municipal Government co-organised the 2018 EU-China Forum on Sustainable Urban Development and EU-China Intelligent Technology Innovation Summit in Tianjin, guided by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the European Commission Directorate General for Research and Innovation. As supporting organisation and strategic partner with CCUD, the European Chamber led a delegation of 38 member representatives from various industries to attend this event.

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2018-05-18 > Beijing, Tianjin

EU-China City-Industry Roundtable Dialogue

The Chamber and the China Centre of Urban Development (CCUD) under the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) co-organised the EU-China City-Industry Roundtable Dialogue to facilitate the communication between the cities and European companies in China.

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2018-05-04 > All chapters

PIANO Workshop “What can Europe offer to China in terms of water innovations?

As part of Shanghai IE Expo (3 May - 5 May), the largest annual event of environment sector in Asia, the European Chamber has been invited to support the event "PIANO Workshop: What can Europe offer to China in terms of water innovations?". Mr. Huang Xiaojun prepared a presentation to share European Water Experience and Innovation with China. Due to Mr. Huang's sudden unavailability, Mr. Zhang Xiaobo spoke on his behalf.

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2018-05-04 > All chapters

CEWP Seminar: How to do water business in China – The drivers, barriers and strategies

On Friday May 4, 2018 the China-Europe water platform (CEWP) organized an afternoon work shop at IE Expo 2018. Some members of the Environment WG reviewed the Chinese water market and jointly formulate a strategy to improve the market access for European companies.

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2018-01-25 > All chapters

Comments on NPC's Draft of Law on Soil Pollution Prevention and Control

In December 2017, the National People's Congress (NPC) issued the Law on Soil Pollution Prevention and Control (Draft for Second Deliberation) for public consultation.
The European Chamber's Environment Working Group, Petrochemicals, Chemicals & Refining Working Group and Corporate Social Responsibility Forum on behalf of member companies, submitted their consolidated comments to NPC.

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