Advocacy Actions

2020-04-09 > All chapters

Dialogue with Chongqing Government: Supportive Policy for Foreign Companies to Work Resumption on the COVID-19 Outbreak

On 9th April, the European Chamber Southwest Chapter, joined hands with Chongqing Municipal Government, held a webinar to introduce the supportive policies to help foreign companies work resumption on the COVID-19 outbreak and newly investment promotion policies. Mr. Li Bo, Vice Mayor of Chongqing Government, and Mr. Joerg Wuttke, National President of European Chamber, gave welcome speeches to briefly present the Chongqing Government’s and European Chamber’s efforts on the COVID-19 outbreak.

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2020-04-08 > All chapters

European Union’s New Policy Package in Environment Sector - Green Deal, New Industrial Strategy and Circular Economy

On 8th April, European Chamber invites Mr. Sebastien Paquot, head of section, counsellor for Climate Action and Environment and Mr. Frank Schmiedel, first counsellor, internal market, industry, entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW), EU Delegation to China, to a webinar to introduce Green Deal, New Industrial Strategy and Circular Economy policies.

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2020-04-05 > All chapters

Submitted comments to CFSA about Suggestions on the implementation standard of "deproteinized milk mineral lactose powder" for imported food without national standard

The AFB WG submitted CFC to CFSA about ”Suggestions on the implementation standard of "deproteinized milk mineral lactose powder" for imported food without national standard“.

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2020-04-03 > All chapters

Conference Call between the Representatives of the Shipbuilding Working Group and the European Union DG-Trade

On Friday 3rd April, the European Chamber’s Shipbuilding Working Group had a call with EU DG-Trade counterparts in Brussels.

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2020-03-25 > All chapters

Comments to Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress on Optimizing the Business Environment in Shanghai (Draft for Comment)

The European Chamber very much welcomes the Shanghai People's Congress's decision to collect opinions on the "Optimizing the Business Environment in Shanghai (Draft for Comment)". Upon careful study of the draft and consultation with its members, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, led by its Legal Working Group, has collated all member inputs and submitted suggestions to the Shanghai People's Congress for their consideration.

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2020-03-24 > All chapters

Dialogue with Tianjin Vice Mayor Jin Xiangjun and Multiple Departments of Tianjin Municipal Government

On 24th March, the European Chamber hosted a webinar with Tianjin Vice Mayor Jin Xiangjun and officials from departments of Tianjin Municipal Government to discuss the implementation of the policies related to work resumption and business development amid the COVID-19 outbreak. A new local 5-year plan of introducing and cultivating high-tech enterprises was shared by Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Bureau at the webinar as well.

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2020-03-23 > Beijing, Shanghai, South China

Letter to the Ministry of Transport (MOT), International Affairs Department, on the Difficulties Found by the Logistics Industry in the Resumption of Work

The European Chamber submitted a letter to the Ministry of Transport (MOT), International Affairs Department, following a call from the MOT offering to help coordinate difficulties found by logistics companies in the resumption of work.

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2020-03-19 > All chapters

China's GDP growth is still expected to reach 6% in 2020: Former Vice Minister of Commerce Wei Jianguo Hosts Webinar with European Chamber

On 19th March, Mr Wei Jianguo, former vice minister of Commerce and current vice chair of the China Centre for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE), hosted a 90-minute webinar for member representatives of the European Chamber Mr Wei shared his views on the economic trends and the opportunities and challenges for companies in the post-pandemic era. The webinar included half an hour of Q&As, moderated by Dr Kang Yong, the chief economist of KPMG.

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2020-03-17 > All chapters

Government Policies that Support Business Operations during the COVID-19: A Discussion with the Shanghai Local Authorities

Government Policies that Support Business Operations during the COVID-19: A Discussion with the Shanghai Local Authorities

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2020-03-13 > All chapters

European Chamber’s Conference Call with Vice Minister of Commerce Wang Shouwen Joined by Multiple Departments on COVID-19 Impacts to FIEs

On the afternoon of 13th March, Vice Minister (VM) Wang Shouwen, Ministry of Commerce, People’s Republic of China (PRC), and Deputy China International Trade Representative, hosted a more than 2 hours cross-departmental conference call with the European Chamber's Advisory Council members and Desks representatives, responding to the work and production resumption issues faced by foreign-invested companies impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic outbreak.

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