Advocacy Actions

2022-04-25 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets with Head of Cabinet of EVP Dombrovskis

On 25th April, European Chamber President Joerg Wuttke met with Head of Cabinet of Executive Vice President Dombrovskis Michael Hager.

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2022-04-22 > All chapters

Standards and Conformity Assessment WG Chair joins Academic Salon Organised by China Standardisation Magazine

On the 22nd April, National Chair of the Standards and Conformity Assessment Working Group Mr Chen Bolei joined an academic salon organised by the Academic Committee of the China Standardisation Magazine.

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2022-04-18 > All chapters

President Wuttke Attended Meeting with Commerce Minister Wang Wentao

On 18th April, eight foreign chambers of commerce were invited to participate in a roundtable discussion with the Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao to address the challenges foreign business in China have encountered over the past two years.

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2022-04-09 > All chapters

Sent Letter to Vice Premier Hu Chunhua of the State Council Regarding the Impact of Current Epidemic Prevention Measures on Business

On 9th April, the European Chamber sent a letter to the State Council. It outlines the challenges that companies are facing due to COVID-19 containment measures that have recently been implemented across China, and references data from a recent German Chamber survey on this topic. The European Chamber is keeping in touch with the relevant authorities and is looking forward to following up on the contents of the letter at the earliest opportunity.

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2022-04-08 > All chapters

Meeting with Sports Equipment Centre

On 8th April, representative from the Sports Equipment Centre of the General Administration of Sports, Foreign Trade Development Centre of the Ministry of Commerce and Urban Culture Development Research Institute, China Architectural Culture Research Association, Ministry of culture and Tourism (UCDRI) visited the European Chamber.

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2022-04-07 > All chapters

Debriefing session on the EU's Russia Sanctions

On the 7th April, the European Chamber, along with the German, French, Italian and Danish Chambers and the EU SME Centre, organised a free-of-charge debriefing session for their members where European Commission officials discussed the details of the EU's sanctions packages on Russia and their implications for European businesses.

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2022-04-05 > All chapters

Comments on the NDRC’s Draft "Data Base Institutional Perspective"

On April 5, the Chamber submited comments for the NDRC’s draft "Data Base Institutional Perspective".

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2022-03-31 > All chapters

Debriefing Session on the European Commission's Proposal for a directive on Sustainable Corporate Governance

On 31st March, Ms Orsolya Csorba, Counsellor for Competition, Justice and Consumer Policy at the Delegation of the European Union to China provided a debriefing on the Commission’s proposal for a Directive on Sustainable Corporate Governance.

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2022-03-30 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets the Head of Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis

On 30th March, European Chamber President Joerg Wuttke met Mr Michael Hager, Head of Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis.

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2022-03-30 > All chapters

Sent Comments to SAMR on the Special Access Conditions for Testing and Inspection Agencies Accreditation in Import and Export Commodity Inspection Field (Draft)

On 30th March, the European Chamber submitted comments to the State Administration of Market Regulation (SAMR) on the Special Access Conditions for Testing and Inspection Agencies Accreditation in Import and Export Commodity Inspection Field (Draft).

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