Advocacy Actions

2017-04-25 > All chapters

Meeting with CCUD under NDRC on New Type of Smart City and Prospects of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Integration

The Chamber invited Ms Zheng Mingmei, Associate Research Fellow Director of Division of Smart and Low-carbon City Affairs of China Center for Urban Development, and Secretary General of Smart City Development Alliance of NDRC, to deliver presentations on new type of smart city and prospects on the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration.

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2017-04-18 > Shanghai

Answers of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development to the European Chamber regarding the local implementation of MOHURD (2016) No. 226

Recently the European Chamber has sent an official letter to the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development with a list of questions from our members on the local implementation of MOHURD No. 226, regarding requirements for Construction Licenses.

The Shanghai Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has sent to the European Chamber its answers. The original Chinese version is followed by a translation to English, for the reference of the members of this working group.

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2017-04-10 > Beijing

Meeting with CCPIT Heilongjiang Committee

Mr E Zhongqi, the Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Heilongjiang Committee, requested this meeting with the European Chamber to discuss potential cooperation on further opening up and foreign investment in Heilongjiang Province.

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2017-03-31 > Beijing

Work-level Meeting with CCPIT and Six Ministries to Discuss Further Openness of Foreign Investment and Guofa No.5

With the release of the State Council’s Notice on Several Measures on Promoting Further Openness and Active Utilization of Foreign Investment (Guofa No.5), the China Council for The Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) organized a work-level meeting together with the European Chamber to discuss its implementation and the concerns of European business in China.

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2017-03-20 > All chapters

Meeting with NDRC and EU Delegation and Speeches at the 2017 EU-China Forum on Sustainable Urban Development

On 20th March, the 2017 EU-China Forum on Sustainable Urban Development was launched at Putian, Fujian Province. This forum was hosted by the China Centre for Urban Development (CCUD) under the guidance of China National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). With the support from the Delegation of European Union to China (EUD), the Forum had the European Chamber, EUROCITIES, Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Urban Europe as co-organisers and Putian People’s Government of Fujian Province as the implementer. The theme was Cooperation, Innovation and Practice.

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2017-03-19 > All chapters

Meeting with MOHURD and MOFCOM and Address at the Seminar on Common Market: New Model of EU-China Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative

The China Centre of Urban Development (CCUD) under the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) organized a seminar on common market: New Model of EU-China Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative. Representatives from several state-owned enterprises, the Georgia-China Friendship Association, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China(MOHURD), the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China (MOFCOM) and the Chamber discussed several topics and shared experience under the framework of the belt and road Initiative.

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2017-03-17 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with EU-China Industrial and Commercial Investment Promotion Union (ECIPU) of MOFCOM to Discuss EU-China Sustainable Urban Development

As 2017 marks the fifth anniversary of the EU-China Partnership on Urbanisation and the initiative of upcoming construction projects in Zhangjiakou, the chamber invited representatives from the EU-China Industrial and Commercial Investment Promotion Union (ECIPU) of MOFCOM to introduce relevant ongoing and future projectsin Zhangjiakou and had a roundtable discussion on business opportunities for our member companies.

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2017-03-15 > All chapters

Participation in the Launch Event of City-to-city Cooperation on Sustainable Urban Development of IUC Project Initiated by NDRC and European Commision

Chamber’s Construction Working Group Vice Chair Mr Massimo Bagnasco and Mr Kevin Gao, the Chamber’s Working Group Coordinator, attended the launch event of the International Urban Cooperation – Asia (IUC-Asia) component for city-to-city cooperation on sustainable urban development, jointly organised by the EU delegation, the Directorate-General for Regional Cooperation of the European Commission and the PRC National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).

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2017-01-16 > All chapters

Comments on Technical Standard for Performance Assessment of Residential Buildings

The European Chamber submitted collated comments on the Technical Standard for Performance Assessment of Residential Buildings to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China (MOHURD)

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2017-01-12 > All chapters

Comments on Code for Urban Environmental Planning

The European Chamber submitted collated comments on Code for Urban Environmental Planning to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China (MOHURD)

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