Advocacy Actions

2017-10-23 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to CDE of CFDA on cosmetics registration and evaluation assessment

The Cosmetics Working Group submitted a lobby letter on concerns and suggestions from the Industry regarding on registration and evaluation assessment to CDE of CFDA.

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2017-10-21 > Beijing

Comments on Regulations of Products Registration, Records and Declaration after New Version of Cosmetic Production License was published

The European Chamber submitted consolidated comments to Department of Drugs and Cosmetics Registration, CFDA on Regulations of Products Registration, Records and Declaration after New Version of Cosmetic Production License was published.

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2017-09-30 > Beijing

Comments to CNIS on the Law of restricting excessive package (draft for comments)

The European Chamber submitted consolidated comments to China National Institution of Standardization on National Standards of restricting excessive package (draft for comments)

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2017-08-18 > Beijing

Seminar with CFDA Registration Department and NIFDC

Representatives of Cosmetics Advisory Committed (CAC) organized the 5th Annual Regulatory Conferencein Nanjing, Jiangsu province this year. Representatives from CFDA and NIFDC attended and discussed the Pudong non special imported products notification pilot, functional ingredients in/out mechanism, products evaluation and registration, Animal testing alternative methods, post market surveillance and other issues both sides were interested.

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2017-08-17 > Beijing

Meeting with Jiangsu Food and Drug Administration

Representatives of Cosmetics Advisory Committed (CAC) organized the 5th Annual Conference in Nanjing, Jiangsu province this year.

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2017-07-04 > Beijing

Meeting with China Food and Drug Administration

Cosmetics Europe and EUCCC Cosmetics Working Group visited Cosmetics Division, CFDA to discuss cosmetics products management, ingredients management, Pudong pilot on non-special cosmetics notification, and possible cooperation between China and EU on cosmetics regulation.

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2016-10-25 > Beijing

Market Access Meeting with DG Trade Representative in the EU delegation and member states on Cosmetics

Gerald Renner from CE and Cocoa Liu from the EUCCC introduced Cosmetics Export to China and the regulation updates of Cosmetics Regulation in China to the DG Trade Representative of the Delegation and the representatives from the member states.

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2015-11-10 > Beijing

Meeting with European Commission DG GROW Deputy Director General Antti Peltomaki on EU-China Regulatory Dialogue

Representatives of the European Chamber met with a DG GROW delegation led by Deputy Director General Antti Peltomaki during this year's EU-China Regulatory Dialogue.

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2015-10-27 > Beijing

Meeting with Swiss Delegation on Current Trade Concerns

Representatives from the European Chamber met with a Swiss Delegation ahead of their meeting with relevant Chinese government agencies, to present current trade concerns in areas of medical devices, accreditation and certification, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food safety.

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2015-07-24 > Beijing

Meeting with Shanghai CIQ

On the afternoon of July 24th, Cosmetics Working Group of EUCCC was honored to invite Mrs. Wang Zhenyu, Deputy Director of Food Safety Inspection Department in Shanghai CIQ charging in cosmetic products inspection, and Sun Jiawen, Division chief, in EUCCC Shanghai office.

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