Advocacy Actions

2023-01-13 > All chapters

European Tour 2022-23 Meeting with Industry Representatives of China Chamber of Commerce to the EU (CCCEU)

On 13th January 2023, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (European Chamber) and the China Chamber of Commerce to the EU (CCCEU) jointly held a high-level EU-China Business Leaders Dialogue in Brussels, Belgium. Minister Peng Gang of the Chinese Mission to the EU delivered a keynote speech, while President Joerg Wuttke of the European Chamber and President Xu Haifeng of the CCCEU delivered welcoming remarks online. Zhonghua Xu, Chair of the Energy Working Group and Sarah Yu, Vice-Chair of the Environment Working Group of the European Chamber, offered their views and suggestions on the prospects of exploring cooperation between Chinese and European companies in the fields of sustainable development and ESG, respectively. The event was moderated by Adam Dunnett, Secretary General of the European Chamber, and Fang Dongkui, Secretary General of the CCCEU.

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2023-01-11 > All chapters

European Tour 2022-23 Meeting with Deputy DG Patrick Child (DG ENV)

On 11th January, the European Chamber met with Deputy DG Patrick Child (DG ENV) in Brussels to send key messages and exchange ideas concerning environmental issues. The European Chamber participants included the President, Vice President, Chairs of the Environment and Energy WGs, and so forth. Green and low-carbon development, ocean plastic pollution, circular economy, and climate warming were discussed.

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2023-01-10 > All chapters

European Tour 2022-23 Meeting with DG Ditte Juul Joergensen (DG ENER)

On 10th January, the European Chamber met with DG Ditte Juul Joergensen (DG ENER) in Brussels to send key messages and exchange ideas concerning energy issues. The European Chamber participants included the President, Vice Presidents, Chairs of the Energy and Environment Working Groups, and so forth. Both sides presented ideas on heated discussed issues, including renewable energy, energy transition, energy security and circular economy.

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2014-11-13 > All chapters

Meeting with China Renewable Energy Society

Chairs from the Renewable Energy Working Group and the Smart Grid Working Group met with Mr. Shi Dinghuan, President of China Renewable Energy Society, and presented the Position Paper on behalf of the European Chamber. They introduced their respective working groups and advocacies in the Position Paper to Mr. Shi Dinghuan.

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2014-11-04 > Beijing

Meeting with China National Renewable Energy Centre

Representatives from the European Chamber met with Associate Research Fellow, Mr. Zhao Yongqiang, from China National Renewable Energy Centre (CNREC) of National Energy Agency (NEA). Peter Edwards prefaced the meeting by introducing the European Chamber. Alfredo Parres introduced the Renewable Energy Working Group and presented the newly published Position Paper to CNREC official on behalf of the EUCCC.

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2014-10-30 > Beijing

EU-China Seminar on the Development of Environmental Goods and Services

The roundtable was designed for Chinese officials and industry experts to get a better understanding of the impacts and consequences of further liberalising environmental goods and services.

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2014-09-17 > All chapters

Energy Working Group Meeting and Position Paper Presentation

Energy Working Group Meeting and Position Paper Presentation

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2014-07-16 > All chapters

Renewable Energy Working Group Meeting with EC2, “EU-China Energy Cooperation-Doing Better Together”

Renewable Energy Working Group Meeting with EC2, “EU-China Energy Cooperation-Doing Better Together”

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