Advocacy Actions

2017-03-15 > All chapters

Participation in the Launch Event of City-to-city Cooperation on Sustainable Urban Development of IUC Project Initiated by NDRC and European Commision

Chamber’s Construction Working Group Vice Chair Mr Massimo Bagnasco and Mr Kevin Gao, the Chamber’s Working Group Coordinator, attended the launch event of the International Urban Cooperation – Asia (IUC-Asia) component for city-to-city cooperation on sustainable urban development, jointly organised by the EU delegation, the Directorate-General for Regional Cooperation of the European Commission and the PRC National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).

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2017-03-03 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) on Measures for Security Review of Network Products and Services

The European Chamber submitted collated comments to Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) on Measures for Security Review of Network Products and Services.

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2016-08-03 > Beijing, Shanghai

European Chamber Comments on Cybersecurity Law (Second Reading Draft)


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2015-07-08 > Beijing, Shanghai, South China


European Chamber Comments on <The People’s Republic of China Environmental Protection Tax Law >

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2014-11-13 > All chapters

Meeting with China Renewable Energy Society

Chairs from the Renewable Energy Working Group and the Smart Grid Working Group met with Mr. Shi Dinghuan, President of China Renewable Energy Society, and presented the Position Paper on behalf of the European Chamber. They introduced their respective working groups and advocacies in the Position Paper to Mr. Shi Dinghuan.

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2014-11-04 > Beijing

Meeting with China National Renewable Energy Centre

Representatives from the European Chamber met with Associate Research Fellow, Mr. Zhao Yongqiang, from China National Renewable Energy Centre (CNREC) of National Energy Agency (NEA). Peter Edwards prefaced the meeting by introducing the European Chamber. Alfredo Parres introduced the Renewable Energy Working Group and presented the newly published Position Paper to CNREC official on behalf of the EUCCC.

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2014-10-30 > Beijing

EU-China Seminar on the Development of Environmental Goods and Services

The roundtable was designed for Chinese officials and industry experts to get a better understanding of the impacts and consequences of further liberalising environmental goods and services.

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2014-09-17 > All chapters

Energy Working Group Meeting and Position Paper Presentation

Energy Working Group Meeting and Position Paper Presentation

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2014-07-16 > All chapters

Renewable Energy Working Group Meeting with EC2, “EU-China Energy Cooperation-Doing Better Together”

Renewable Energy Working Group Meeting with EC2, “EU-China Energy Cooperation-Doing Better Together”

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2011-05-05 > All chapters

Meeting with French Minister of European Affairs

On the 5th May 2011, the European Chamber met with the French Minister responsible for European Affairs, Mr. Laurent Wauquiez. The meeting was chaired by President Davide Cucino. The main issues discussed during this meeting were the status and concerns of European business operating in China.

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