Advocacy Actions

2018-07-31 > All chapters

Comments to CTMO on the Revision of the Trademark Law

The European Chamber's submitted collated comments on the revision of the Trademark Law to the Trademark Office.

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2018-04-02 > Shanghai

European Heating Industry China Dialogue with the Shanghai Gas Bureau

On 2nd April 2018, the European Heating Industry China Initiative and the Shanghai Gas Bureau held a dialogue on DB 31/300 standards regarding neutralizer specification on full condensing wall-hung boilers at the European Chamber Shanghai office.

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2017-11-29 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting on the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020

On 29th November, 2017, the European Chamber had the pleasure to welcome Dr. Laurent Bochereau, Head of Science, Technology and Environment Section, EU Delegation to China to our joint Working Group meeting on Horizon 2020. Mr Bochereau presented the recently released Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020 and share his insights on cooperation opportunities for industries, followed by a Q&A session with the members.

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2017-09-22 > Beijing, Shanghai, South China

Comments to NPC on Anti-Unfair Competition Law (Second Draft for Review)

On September 22, 2017, the European Chamber submitted feedback received from members regarding the call for comments on the second review draft of revision on Anti-Unfair Competition Law issued by the National People’s Congress (NPC).

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2017-05-18 > All chapters

Government Meeting with the Rural Work Committee, Beijing Municipal Government

The meeting revolves around introduction of the European Heating Industry China Initiative and its work in China.

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2017-03-20 > All chapters

Meeting with NDRC and EU Delegation and Speeches at the 2017 EU-China Forum on Sustainable Urban Development

On 20th March, the 2017 EU-China Forum on Sustainable Urban Development was launched at Putian, Fujian Province. This forum was hosted by the China Centre for Urban Development (CCUD) under the guidance of China National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). With the support from the Delegation of European Union to China (EUD), the Forum had the European Chamber, EUROCITIES, Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Urban Europe as co-organisers and Putian People’s Government of Fujian Province as the implementer. The theme was Cooperation, Innovation and Practice.

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2017-03-15 > All chapters

Participation in the Launch Event of City-to-city Cooperation on Sustainable Urban Development of IUC Project Initiated by NDRC and European Commision

Chamber’s Construction Working Group Vice Chair Mr Massimo Bagnasco and Mr Kevin Gao, the Chamber’s Working Group Coordinator, attended the launch event of the International Urban Cooperation – Asia (IUC-Asia) component for city-to-city cooperation on sustainable urban development, jointly organised by the EU delegation, the Directorate-General for Regional Cooperation of the European Commission and the PRC National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).

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2017-02-09 > Shanghai

EU Tour – Meeting with DG Environment on China RoHS and WEEE

Tiantian gave a brief introduction on the visit purpose and introduced the EHI China Desk as well as the previous meeting with MIIT in September 2016. Maria and Michele introduced the RoHS and WEEE policy in Europe and their previous exchange with China.

Tiantian expressed the interest from the MIIT in China and the EHI China Desk members on informative exchange topics regarding WEEE and China RoHS. Michele and Maria agreed 3 criteria to carry out the exchange in the coming future via video conference format together with DG GROW or DG Trade engagement on trade data and circumstance at informative level.

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2017-02-09 > Shanghai

EU Tour – Meeting with Federica Sabbati, Director of European Heating Industry

Ioana gave a brief introduction on the visit purpose and introduced the 3 days discussion chamber had with commission all levels and the main message to bring forward on the tour, including Xi Jinping Davos speech, Made in China 2025 report produced by the chamber and the Bilateral Investment Agreement Negotiations talk with Commission. Federica went through the past EHI member’s engagement and most recent concerns on Manufacturing in EU competitiveness, European Parliament recent released big package document on Energy Policy on November 2016. Tiantian went through the EHI China Desk stakeholder mapping to the 2016 policy analysis and then to the China RoHS and WEEE development on the ministry dialogue and the talks followed up with MIIT before the tour. A general manager meeting is planned 21st February and EHI Desk extension renewal and priorities as well as PP will be discussed while a February Board meeting of EHI is scheduled 14 February.

Both side agreed on EHI China Desk shall closely engaged with its china team and make decisions on their interest, considering the previous year’s BM in charge of EHI China Desk turnover rate and seniority, Federica expressed the concerns from the EHI board, and willing 2017 onwards there will be less changes on the PIC, also suggested a KPI or action plan to be produced with the EHI China Desk members to evaluate the work.

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