Advocacy Actions

2018-11-22 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with Shanghai Municipal Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau on Enterprise Standardisation

On 22nd November 2018,the European Chamber is delighted to invite Mr Kai MENG, Vice Director, Standardisation Division, Shanghai Municipal Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau to join an open discussion with members and share his insight on Shanghai Enterprise Standard Self-Declaration Publicity and Supervision Mechanism and Enterprise Standard Leader System.

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2018-11-15 > All chapters

Comments to the SAT's Urban Maintenance and Construction Tax Law

European Chamber Finance and Taxation, Construction, Environment and Petrochemicals, Chemicals and Refining working groups comments on the State Administration of Taxation's Urban Maintenance and Construction Tax Law (Draft for Opinions).

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2018-09-12 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with Shanghai Municipal Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau on Food Contact Materials Standards and Practice

To better understand China’s Food Contact Materials standards as well as their impact on European business, the European Chamber has been delighted to receive Mr. Li Sanying, Deputy Director, Special Product Quality Supervision and Management Division, Shanghai Municipal Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau (上海市质量技术监督局特定产品质量监督管理处李三营副处长), to join an open discussion with members and share his insight on the development, applicability and implementation of China’s FCMs standards. Members were kindly invited to share their comments and raise their questions on related issues.

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2018-08-17 > All chapters

Comments to the MEE's Draft Amendment to the Solid Waste Pollution Prevention Law

The European Union Chamber of Commerce welcomes the decision of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment to call for comments on the <Draft Amendment to the Solid Waste Pollution Prevention Law>. The European Chamber welcomes this Draft Amendment as a step to make solid waste pollution prevention in China more aligned with international practice. There are, however, some aspects that we would like to comment from this Draft Amendment.

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2018-07-31 > All chapters

Comments to CTMO on the Revision of the Trademark Law

The European Chamber's submitted collated comments on the revision of the Trademark Law to the Trademark Office.

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2018-06-29 > Shanghai

Chamber Presents on Local Business Environment to Shanghai Government Officials

Auto, AC, Investment, PCR and Pharmaceutical Working Group members meeting with Shanghai government officials and think-tanks to exchange views on local business environment.

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2018-06-25 > Beijing

Chamber Stresses Importance of Circular Economy to NDRC

To better understand the essence of circular economy in China as well as its impact and potential opportunities for European business, the European Chamber is pleased to invite Mr. Lu Dongsen, Director, Division of Circular Economy, Department of Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection of NDRC (国家发改委资源节约和环境保护司循环经济处 陆冬森处长), to share his insight and analysis on the development of circular economy in China and opportunities for European business, followed by a roundtable discussion with members.

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2018-03-05 > Beijing

Meeting with DG Environment Director Astrid Schomaker on Industrial Priorities and Recommendations in Environmental Sector in China

Upon coordination with Ms Vicky Pollard, First Counsellor of Environment and Climate Change, Delegation of the European Union to China and Mongolia, representatives from the Chamber’s Environment Working Group, Petrochemicals, Chemicals & Refining Working Group and Corporate Social Responsibility Forum attended the meeting with Ms. Astrid Schomaker, Director, Global Sustainable Development, Directorate-General for the Environment (DG Environment), European Commission (EC) and Mr. Bartosz Cieleszynski, Policy Officer, Bilateral & Regional Environmental Cooperation, DG Environment of EC, to present the priorities and key concerns recently from industrial perspective in the sector of environment.

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2018-02-08 > Beijing

Meeting with State Administration of Taxation on Implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection Tax

The European Chamber has been closely tracking this transition from a fee-based regime to a tax-based one and its impact on European business in China. On 26 January 2017, the Chamber submitted comments on the Implementing Regulations of the Law on Environmental Protection Tax (Draft for Comments) during a public consultation initiated by the State Administration of Taxation. To help members understand the essence of the transition, the European Chamber invited Deputy Director General Sun Qun, Department of Property and Behaviour Tax of SAT, to interpret the Implementing Regulations of the Law on Environmental Protection Tax, and its enforcement plans and relevant guidance, followed by a roundtable discussion with members.

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2018-02-01 > Beijing, Shanghai

Seminar with Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision on Standardisation

DDG of Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision visited European Chamber Shanghai Chapter and met with representatives of multiple working groups.

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