Advocacy Actions

2015-09-07 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to EU Delegation on EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI)

A lobby letter was submitted to Ms. Mieke Vanderstraeten, Counsellor from the EU Delegation's Trade and Investment Section, aiming to make testing, inspection and certification (TIC) industry issues an independent subject within the CAI.

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2015-08-31 > Beijing, South China

European Chamber Comments on Administrative Measures on Energy Efficiency Labelling


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2015-08-24 > Beijing

Meeting with EU Delegation on EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI)

Representatives from the Quality and Safety Services Working Group met with Ms. Mieke Vanderstraeten, Counsellor from the EU Delegation's Trade and Investment Section ahead of the 7th round of the CAI negotiations.

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2015-07-31 > Beijing

European Chamber Comments on Guidelines on Improving Service Quality of Testing and Inspection Agencies

On 31 July, the European Chamber submitted comments on the Guidelines on Improving Service Quality of Testing and Inspection Agencies to the Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China (CNCA).

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2015-07-24 > Beijing

Joint Working Group Meeting with Deputy Director General of Industrial Standards Department I of SAC

On 24 July 2015, members from the Standards and Conformity Assessment, Quality and Safety Services Working Groups as well as the COCIR Desk attended a joint meeting on social group standards.

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2015-07-08 > Beijing

Comments on Regulation Regarding Testing and Inspection Agencies for Imports/Exports

On 8 July 2015, the European Chamber submitted comments on Regulation Regarding Testing and Verification Agencies for Imports-Exports to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ).

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2014-11-28 > All chapters

CCC SchemePresentationby CNCA official

On the 28th November 2014, the Joint SAC &QS Working Group Meeting is held in Beijing with guest speaker Mr. Wang Kunto give an update on newly released and implemented China Compulsory Certification (CCC) Regulations.

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2014-09-15 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to NPC LAC on China Standardlization Law Revision

On 15th September, SCAWG and QSWG submitted lobby letter to NPC Law Affairs Committee on the China Standardization Law Revision.

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