Advocacy Actions

2023-08-10 > Beijing

Call for Comments on the GB 14880 National Food Safety Standard - Standard for the Use of Food Nutrition Fortfiers (Draft for Comments)

On 10th August, the Agriculture, Food and Beverage Working Group, Dairy Industry Sub-working Group, FSMP Advisory Committe and Paediatric Nutrition Sub-working Group submitted call for comments on the National Food Safety Standard - Standard for the Use of Food Nutrition Enhancers (Draft for Comments).

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2023-06-30 > Beijing

Comments on the GB 19644 National Food Safety Standard Milk Powder and Modified Milk Powder (Draft for Review)

On 30th June, the Paediatric Nutrition Sub-working Group and Dairy Industry Sub-working Group submitted comments to the National Health Commission on the National Food Safety Standard Milk Powder and Modified Milk Powder (Draft for Review).

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2023-04-28 > National

European Chamber representatives meet with Director Xiao Han from the SAMR's Department of Standards and Innovation

On 28th April, a group of European Chamber representatives led by Standards and Conformity Assessment Working Group Chair Zhang Jun met with Director Xiao Han from the Standards and Innovation Department of the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR).

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2023-04-27 > Beijing

Joint Working Group Meeting with Agriculture Counsellor at the European Union Delegation

On 27 April, European Chamber Agriculture, Food and Beverage Working Group, Dairy Industry Sub-working Group, Paediatric Nutrition Sub-working Group, Food for Special Medical Purpose Sub-working Group held a meeting with the Agriculture Counsellor at the European Union Delegation.

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2023-03-30 > Beijing

Joint Working Group Meeting with Trade Section Counsellor at the European Union Delegation

On 30 March, the secretariat of Dairy Industry Sub-working Group, Paediatric Nutrition Sub-working Group, Food for Special Medical Purpose Sub-working Group met with Trade Section Counsellor at the European Union Delegation.

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2023-03-29 > Beijing

CFSA Seminar on Industry Opinions on the Standard for the Use of Food Nutrition Fortifiers

On 29 March, Agriculture, Food and Beverage Working Group, Dairy Industry (Sub-working Group), FSMP Advisory Committee (Sub-working Group) and Paediatric Nutrition (Sub-working Group) attended China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment' s Seminar on Industry Opinions on the Standard for the Use of Food Nutrition Fortifiers.

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2023-03-29 > Beijing

Meeting with CFSA on GB14880 National Food Safety Standard for the Use of Nutritional Fortification Substances for Food (Draft for Comments)

On March 29, Paediatric Nutrition Sub-working Group and Food for Special Medical Purpose Advisory Committee attended the meeting organised by China Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA) on GB14880 National Food Safety Standard for the Use of Nutritional Fortification Substances for Food (Draft for Comments). Key comments from the industry were discussed during the meeting.

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2023-02-28 > Beijing

SAMR Centre for Food Evaluation Seminar on Matters Related to the Administration for the Registration of Infant Formula Milk Powder Products

On 28 February, Dairy Industry (Sub-working Group), FSMP Advisory Committee (Sub-working Group) and Paediatric Nutrition (Sub-working Group) attended a seminar held by Food Review Center of the State Administration for Market Regulation on matters related to the administration for the Registration of the Formulation of Infant Formula Milk Powder Products.

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2023-02-17 > Beijing

EUD and GACC Training Session on Decree 248

On February 17th, the EUD and the GACC held a training session on the Decree 248.

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2023-01-06 > Beijing, National

Comment to SAMR on Notice of Public Consultation on the Guidelines for Enforcement of Absolutist Terms in Advertising (Draft for Comments)

The Agriculture, Food and Beverage Working Group, Food for Special Medical Purpose, Dairy Industry and Pediatric Nutrition Sub-working Groups, Compliance and Business Ethics Working Group, Cosmetics Working Group, Fashion and Leather Desk submitted collated comments to State Administration for Marketing Regulation on The Agriculture, Food and Beverage Working Group, Food for Special Medical Purpose, Dairy Industry and Pediatric Nutrition Sub-working Groups submitted collated comments to State Administration for Marketing Regulation on Regulations (SAMR) on the Supervision and Management of Enterprises' Implementation of the Main Responsibility for Food Safety (Draft for Comments).

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