Advocacy Actions

2020-09-18 > All chapters

European Chamber representatives join Transport Counsellors meeting at the EU Delegation

On Friday, 18th September a group of European Chamber representatives joined the Transport Counsellors meeting at the EU Delegation.

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2020-09-10 > All chapters

Online Meeting with the Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis

On Thursday, 10th September, a group of senior-level European Chamber Advisory Council and Executive Committee representatives, led by Chamber Vice President (VP) Jens Eskelund, held a meeting with the Cabinet of Executive Vice President (EVP) Valdis Dombrovskis.

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2020-09-08 > National

Call for Comments to CAAC

Suggest CAAC to modify " Interim Regulations on License Administration with respect to Direct Access to and Use of Foreign Computer Reservation System by Foreign Airlines’ Agents in China (CCAR-315) " and consider the principle of Fair competition and reciprocal market access

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2020-07-14 > All chapters

Comments to CAAC on the Regulations on Certification of Maintenance Training Institutions for Civil-Use Aircraft

On 14th July, the European Chamber submitted comments to the CAAC on the Regulations on Certification of Maintenance Training Institutions for Civil-Use Aircraft.

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2020-06-12 > Beijing

Input for EU Transport Counsellors on planned resumption of international flights between China and Europe

A & A's recommendations of the resumption of flights goes far beyond the sole administration of CAAC, We would Convey the message at high political level, and list such topic at the next EU-China Summit on 22 June to present the concerns of EU business in the context of restoration of normal economic and trade relations and the resumption of scheduled international flights.

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2020-06-12 > Beijing

Follow-Up Meeting with the European Union (EU) Delegation on the Resumption of EU Airlines

A follow-up meeting after the first one on May 21. A number of carriers have already expressed concern that the current strict limits on provision of services may lead in future to a situation of competitive disadvantage for foreign companies. EU carriers have made a major contribution to China's current level of prosperity and would like to explore the ways to make this continue. Many delegates from European countries participated in the meeting.

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2020-06-08 > Beijing

Meeting with the European Union (EU) Delegation on the Resumption of EU airlines

Regarding the latest notice released on June 4th by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) on Adjustments to International Passenger Flights, the European Chamber met with its airline member companies to discuss their concerns and questions on this issue. Hereunder is a summary of the feedback from the European airline companies.

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2020-06-03 > Beijing, Shanghai

Policy Briefing on Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone

Policy Briefing on Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone

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2020-05-27 > Beijing

Outlook of the Sustainable Development of Aviation Industry

The low carbon expert CHEN yixin of China Quality Certification Centre and the managerment representaitves from AIRBUS, SAFRAN, THALES, LUFTHENSA, AIR FRANCE share their points of view on sustainable progress of the aviation industry from the perspectives of policy vs. regulations, technology innovation and business management.

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2020-05-21 > Beijing

Meeting on resumption of passenger air services with EU Transport Counsellors

The meeting embarks an insightful exchange with the administrations from China and EU concerning resumption of passenger air services. Some foreign carriers that current measures imposed on the international travel and air services may set the barriers to resume the flights and lead to competitive disadvantage. Topics discussed include time for resuming the flights, and relevant frequency, healthy and safety measures, and further negotiation with CAAC.

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