Advocacy Actions

2019-03-03 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee (TC260) on Personal Information Security Specification (Draft)

The European Chamber submitted collated comments on TC260's Personal Information Security Specification (Draft).

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2019-02-22 > All chapters

Meeting with Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee and SCOFCOM on the Draft Foreign Investment Law

On February 22, 2019, the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce hosted a symposium to solicit opinions on the draft Foreign Investment Law. Representative of the European Chamber's Legal & Competition Working Group attended the symposium and presented members’ feedback and concerns.

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2019-01-25 > Beijing

European Chamber Meets with Executive Director of EASA

On 25th January, representatives of the European Chamber's Aviation & Aerospace Working Group met with the Executive Director of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) to present the European Business in China — Position Paper 2018/2019 and discuss recent regulatory updates.

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2018-12-20 > Beijing

Meeting with Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) and Position Paper 2018/2019 Presentation

On 20th December 2018, a delegation led by European Chamber Vice President Michael Chang visited the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), and was received by Deputy Administrator Wang Zhiqing.

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2018-11-06 > Beijing

Meeting with China Council of the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) on Issues faced by French-owned Enterprises in China

A delegation from China Council of the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) visited the European Chamber and met with several French-owned member companies at Chamber office. As introduced by CCPIT, 2018 China-France High Level Economic and Financial Dialogue was to take place in France in early December. Vice Premier Hu Chunhua was going to Paris to attend the event. Before his visit, CCPIT was assigned to collect concerns and suggestions from French-owned enterprises in China, which was the purpose of this meeting.

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2018-10-30 > Beijing

Meeting with European Parliament Transport Committee

On 30 October, representatives of the European Chamber’s transport-related Working Groups met with the European Parliament Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) to discuss the key concerns of European businesses operating in China in their respective industries.

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2018-07-11 > Beijing

Chamber Discusses EU-China Connectivity Platform with DG MOVE

European Chamber sent a delegation to meet up with DDG of DG MOVE Ms. Maja Bakran at the EU Delegation.

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2018-01-26 > Beijing

Meeting with Mr Ellis Mathews, Head of Division, EEAS

The Vice-President of the European Chamber Mr Horgan met with Mr Ellis Mathews, Head of Division for China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Mongolia at the European External Action Service.

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2017-11-29 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting on the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020

On 29th November, 2017, the European Chamber had the pleasure to welcome Dr. Laurent Bochereau, Head of Science, Technology and Environment Section, EU Delegation to China to our joint Working Group meeting on Horizon 2020. Mr Bochereau presented the recently released Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020 and share his insights on cooperation opportunities for industries, followed by a Q&A session with the members.

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2017-10-20 > Beijing

Meeting with CCUD under NDRC on Comprehensive Plan on Beijing City and Updates on Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Integration

On 27th September, 2017, the State Council approved the Comprehensive Plan on Beijing City (2016 – 2035), which will influence the investment strategies and relocation of various FIEs, particularly for the industries with production, manufacturing and construction. To better understand this plan and the impact thereof, the chamber will invite Mr. Shen Chi, Deputy Director General, China Centre of Urban Development of NDRC (沈迟先生,发改委中国城市和小城镇改革发展中心副主任) to interpret the plan and provide insights on the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Integration, followed by the roundtable discussion with our members.

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