Advocacy Actions

2019-12-11 > Beijing

Meeting with Damien Plan, Counsellor for Agriculture at European Union Delegation to China

European Chamber paid met with Damien Plan, the Agriculture Counsellor of European Union Delegation to China, to exchange ideas on agricultural product and food related issues. Concerns were raised regarding the overall regulatory environment in this sector, especially in infant formula, dairy products and agricultural products export to China. Both sides agreed to continue cooperation on policy shaping and potential cooperation on the EU food quality promotion campaign was also considered.

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2019-11-01 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the State Administration of Market Regulation on Administrative Measures for the Examination of Advertisements for Medicine, Medical Device, Health Food and FSMPs(Draft for Comments)

Following the State Administration for Market Regulation initiated the third round public consultation on Administrative Measures for the Examination of Advertisements for Medicine, Medical Device, Health Food and FSMPs(Draft for Comments), the European Chamber has collated all member inputs and submitted them to the SAMR upon circulation of the draft within relevant working groups.

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2019-09-25 > Beijing

Dealing with Improper Protection of Consumer Right

Jointly organised an event with Marketing and Communications Forum, Legal and Competition Working Group (WG), Automotive WG, Paediatric Nutrition Desk, Food for Special Medical Purposes Advisory Committee and Cheese Industry Desk, and invited Catherine Guo, Senior Partner at King & Capital Law Firm, and former Journalist from Xinhua and CCTV, to present the topic on how to deal with improper protection of consumer rights.

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2019-06-27 > Beijing

Comments to State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) on Administrative Measures of Food Production License (Draft for Comments)

European Chamber submitted comments on Call for Comments on Administrative Measures of Food Production License (Draft for Comments) released by SAMR on June 27th, 2019.

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2019-06-19 > Beijing

Meeting with Han Junhua on the Revision of the National Standards for Infant and Young Children Milk Powder Formula

European Chamber Paediatric Nutrition Desk and Food for Special Medical Purposes (FSMP) Desk invited Madam Han Junhua to introduce the revision process of the series of national standards for infant and young children milk powder formula products as well as FSMP products in the past three years on June 19th, 2019.

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2019-06-13 > Beijing

Comments to the SAMR on Measures for Handling Complaints and Reports on Market Supervision and Management

On 10th May, the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR): Call for comments on the Measures for Handling Complaints and Reports on Market Supervision and Management (draft).

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2019-05-15 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to State Administration of Market Regulation (SAMR) on Administrative Provisions on Product Quality Supervision and Spot Inspections (Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber's Automotive, HCE, SCA, Fashion and Leather, Cheese and other working groups jointly submitted comments to the SAMR on the Administrative Provisions on Product Quality Supervision and Spot Inspections (Draft for Comments).

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2019-05-10 > Beijing

Comments to Ministry of Justice on the Food Safety Law

On May 6th, the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) issues an internal call for comment (CFC) from industry associations on the Food Safety Law. The AFB Working Group, the Paediatric Nutrition Desk, the FSMP Advisory Committee and the Cheese Industry Desk, participated this CFC.

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2019-03-25 > Beijing

European Chamber Representatives meet the World Bank

On Monday, 25th March, a number of members of the European Chamber met with World Bank representatives to discuss their experiences with innovation policies in China.

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2019-03-20 > Beijing

Meeting with the Regulatory Department of SAMR

Chamber delegation met with Xue Guoqin, deputy director general of the Regulatory Department of the State Administration of Market Regulation, to discuss the legislative work plan in 2019.

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