Advocacy Actions

2022-09-29 > Beijing

Meeting with Department of Energy Conservation and Resource Utilization and Center for International Economic and Technological Cooperation of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

On 29th September 2022, Vice Chair of Environment Working Group and European Chamber staff met with Mr Zhouyang with Department of Energy Conservation and Resource Utilization (DECRU) and Mr Mao Tao with Center for International Economic and Technological Cooperation (CIETC) of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).

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2022-09-28 > South China

European Business Delegation Visit to Qianhai Cooperation Zone

To further enhance EU enterprises' understanding of Qianhai's planning, development and industrial policies, the European Chamber has organized a half-day visit to Qianhai Cooperation Zone and a policy conference with Shenzhen Bureau of Commerce and Qianhai Authority.

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2022-09-28 > Beijing

A Briefing to NMPA regarding Implementation of Mandatory Standards

Healthcare Equipment Working Group reported to the National Medical Products Administration on the implementation of the new GB9706 series of standards and made recommendations.

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2022-09-27 > South China

Meeting with Guangdong Department of Commerce Director General Zhang Jingsong

On Sept 27th, European Chamber Vice President and South China Board Chair Klaus Zenkel met Guangdong Department of Commerce Director General Zhang Jingsong, to present the 2022/2023 European Business in China Position Paper and discuss the opportunities and challenges which European business are facing now in Guangdong.

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2022-09-27 > Beijing

China-Europe Energy Storage Track II Dialogue: Pathway to Wide Deployment of Utility-Scale Energy Storage

The China-Europe Energy Storage Track II Dialogue: Pathway to Wide Deployment of Utility-Scale Energy Storage was successfully hosted by Energy Foundation China and Carbon Trust, and co-hosted by the European Chamber on Tuesday 27 September. This is the second workshop of the China-Europe Energy Storage Track II Dialogue project, covering the policies, business models, and cost compensation mechanisms of energy storage projects in China and Europe, as well as opportunities and challenges in energy storage investment and financing.

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2022-09-27 > All chapters

EU Financial Counsellors Meeting

On 27th Sep, representatives from the Banking and Securities working group, Insurance working group, and Non-banking working group of the European Chamber, had a joint meeting with EU financial counsellors onsite and online.

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2022-09-26 > National

Comments to Ministry of Transport on Measures for the Security Protection of Key Information Infrastructure on Highways and Waterways (Draft)

On 26th Sep, the International Liner Shipping working group, and the Logistics working group jointly sent a series of comments to Ministry of Transport, on the Measures for the Security Protection of Key Information Infrastructure on Highways and Waterways (Draft Version).

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2022-09-26 > All chapters

Comments to Ministry of Transport on Measures for the Security Protection of Key Information Infrastructure on Highways and Waterways (Draft)

On 26th Sep, the International Liner Shipping working group together with Logistics working group members sent a joint comment document to Ministry of Transport, concerning the Security Protection of Key Information Infrastructure on Highways and Waterways (Draft Version).

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2022-09-24 > Beijing

Global Asset Management Forum 2022 Fall Summit on Finding Certainty in the Midst of Uncertainty

On 24th September, the Global Asset Management Forum 2022 Fall Summit was held in Beijing focused on the topic of Finding Certainty in the Midst of Uncertainty. Joerg Wuttke, the president of European Chamber, delivered a video speech during the Forum.

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2022-09-23 > Shanghai

Position Paper Presentation at the Trade Counsellors Meeting in Shanghai

Adam presented the Position Paper at the Trade Counsellors Meeting in Shanghai.

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