Advocacy Actions

2016-08-20 > Beijing

Present Integrated Health Care at NHFPC Roundtable on Medical Industry Development

Attended 2016 Beijing Forum for Global Health, and gave presentation on Integrated Health Care

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2016-08-18 > Shanghai

Meeting with Shanghai Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission on Future Cooperation

Meeting with Chief of Information Security Division of SHEITC to learn the latest agenda of The 3rd China Information Security and User Conference and Future Cooperation

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2016-08-18 > Beijing

Overview on EU Medical Device Regulation / IVD Regulation - COCIR-EUCCC contribution to CFDA

Overview on EU Medical Device Regulation / IVD Regulation - COCIR-EUCCC contribution to CFDA

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2016-08-17 > Beijing

China Food for Special Medical Purposes Conference

The PN Desk organised the China FSMP Conference with the China Nutrition and Health Food Association (CNHFA) and invited officials from the CFDA including the Vice Commissioner Teng Jiacai, experts fromt the China Function Food Review Centre and representatives from the industry to discuss the regulations about FSMP products and introduce international experiences.

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2016-08-12 > Nanjing

Meeting with Jiangsu Exit and Entry Administration Bureau

Mr. Cui Guangyue, Deputy Director-general of Jiangsu Exit and Entry Administration Bureau visited European Chamber Nanjing Chapter.

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2016-08-11 > Tianjin

Meeting with Tianjin Foreign Affairs Office

Chairman of European Chamber Tianjin Chapter presented the Tianjin Position Paper and 2016 Business Confidence Survey

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2016-08-11 > South China

Q & A Session with Entry - Exit Administration of Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau

Members of the Human Resources Forum of the European Chamber, South China Chapter met Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau Entry-Exit Administration & International Cooperation Office.

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2016-08-09 > Beijing

Meeting with the NHFPC

The representatives of the PN Desk met with the NHFPC to discuss the revision process of food-related national food safety standards.

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2016-08-08 > Beijing

Meeting with Department of Foreign Investment Administration, MOFCOM

Members of the Chamber together with some other representatives of FIEs in China had a meeting with Ms. Fan Wenjie, Deputy Director General of Department of Foreign Investment Administration, MOFCOM.

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2016-08-05 > Beijing

Meeting with Austrian Embassy Deputy Head of Mission about MIC2025

On August 5th, the Senior Policy & Advocacy Manager of the EU SME Centre together with the European Chamber met representatives of the Austrian Embassy in Beijing in order to discuss the initiative China Manufacturing 2025.

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