Advocacy Actions

2016-07-29 > Shanghai

Meeting with Shanghai Institute of American Studies on Chamber's View on G20 Summit

European Chamber meeting with Mr. Hu Hua, Executive Director of Shanghai Institute of American Studies, on Chamber's View on G20 Summit

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2016-07-28 > South China

Q&A Session with Shenzhen Municipal Office, State Administration of Taxation

Members of the Finance and Taxation Working Group of European Chamber, South China Chapter met Shenzhen Municipal Office, State Administration of Taxation.

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2016-07-25 > Beijing

Exclusive Dialogue with NDRC on Fair Competition Review System

An Exclusive Dialogue with Ms. Li Qing, Deputy Director General of Bureau of Price Supervision and Anti-Monopoly, NDRC was held on the Opinions on Establishing the Fair Competition Review System in the Development of Market System issued by the State Council.

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2016-07-21 > South China

Working level meeting with the Department of Environmental Protection of Guangdong Province广东省环境保护厅

Members of the Environment Working Group of the European Chamber, SC Chapter met Guangdong Environmental Protection Department.

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2016-07-21 > Beijing

Meeting with Deputy Director General Hao Yunhong, MPS

To address members’ concern over the implementation of Management Law of Foreign Non-Governmental Organizations' within Mainland China, Chamber met with Ministry of Public Security’s Bureau of Foreign NGO Management on Thursday 21 July, 2016.

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2016-07-20 > Beijing

Comments to CFDA on Priotized Evaluation of Medical Devices

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group submitted comments to the CFDA on the draft "Procedures for a Prioritized Evaluation of Medical Devices"

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2016-07-20 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to the CFDA Regarding the Registration of FSMP

The PN Desk submitted a lobby letter to the CFDA regarding the questions to the techinical requirements on the registration of FSMP products.

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2016-07-20 > Beijing, Shanghai

InterChamber SME Working Group Meeting

This is the first Inter-Chamber SME Working Group meeting outside of Beijing City. The meeting purpose is to engage more SMEs in various industry and involve stakeholders in a broader range of audience. The main topics at this working group meeting are:

Late Payment and Debt Collection for SME
IT Challenges & New Solutions
Updates on China Tax & Free Trade Zone Policies

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2016-07-19 > Shanghai

Meeting with SCOFCOM Director General Shang Yuying on Business Confidence Survey

European Chamber Vice President met with SCOFCOM DG Shang Yuying and presented 2016 Business Confidence Survey.

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2016-07-13 > Beijing

Meeting with Chairman of the CCPIT

Mr. Joerg Wuttke, President of the Chamber had a meeting with the Chairman of the CCPIT, Mr. Jiang Zengwei prior to the 11th EU China Business Summit held in Beijing.

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