Advocacy Actions

2018-06-23 > Shandong

Chamber Discusses Chinese Business Climate with Yantai Municipal Government

On 23rd June, Adam Dunnett, secretary general of the European Chamber, visited the city of Yantai in Shandong Province.

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2018-06-22 > Beijing

Comments to the CNDA's draft 'Technical Guideline for Electronic Submissions'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the China National Drug Administration's (CNDA) draft 'Technical Guideline for Electronic Submissions'.

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2018-06-22 > Beijing

Chamber Discusses EU-China Cooperation at Xiong’an New Area Visit

On 22nd June 2018, Mats Harborn, president of the European Chamber, led a delegation to visit the Xiong’an New Area and meet with Chen Gang, deputy governor of the Hebei Provincial Governmentand head of the Xiong’an New Area Administrative Committee,along withother officials from the Hebei Provincial Government and the Xiong’an New Area Administrative Committee.

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2018-06-21 > Beijing

Meeting with the Purchasing Centre for Drugs and Medical Devices of Fujian Province on the "two-invoice system" for disposable medical devices

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group hold a meeting with the director of the Purchasing Centre for Drugs and Medical Devices of Fujian Province on the "two-invoice system" for disposable medical devices.

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2018-06-21 > Beijing

Meeting with the Center for Medical Device Standardization Administration on Seminar with regards to environment issues in medical equipment sector

Meeting with the Center for Medical Device Standardization Administration on Seminar with regards to environment issues in medical equipment sector

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2018-06-15 > Nanjing

Meeting with Jiangsu Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security

European Chamber Nanjing Chapter and member companies met with officials working in relative functional departments from Jiangsu Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security introduced risks in relation to foreign investment and put forward specific advice on legal risk prevention.

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2018-06-14 > Beijing

Input to CMDE's Inquiry on Manufacturers of Human Gene Mutation Detectors

The Centre of Medical Device Evaluation (CMDE) under the China National Drug Administration (CNDA) had asked for input on manufacturers of IVD to detect spontaneous human gene mutations. The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted consolidated information.

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2018-06-13 > Beijing

Letter to Henan HFPC on 'Price Negotiations for Consumable Medical Devices and IVD'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted a lobby Letter to the Henan Health and Family Planning Comission (HFPC) on 'Price Negotiations for Consumable Medical Devices and IVD', asking for a revision of the negotiation procedure.

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2018-06-13 > Beijing

Letter to Heilongjiang HFPC on 'Response Time for Manufacturers to Answer Hospital's Purchasing Requests'

After Heilongjiang HFPC had published a list of medical device manufactures who did not reply to purchasing requests of hospitals, the Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group send an Advocacy Letter, asking for a longer response time.

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2018-06-12 > Beijing

Meeting with Director General Olivier Guersent (DG FISMA) ahead of the EU-China Economic and Financial Affairs Dialogue.

Representatives of the financial services working groups of the European Chamber met with Mr Olivier Guersent, European Commission’s Director-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union ahead of the EU-China Economic and Financial Affairs Dialogue.

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