Advocacy Actions

2016-12-09 > Beijing

Meeting with the Swiss Embassy on Cooperation in the Field of Medical Devices and Pharmaceutical Products

The HCE Working Group met the Economic, Financial and Commercial Section of the Embassy of Switzerland to intensify cooperation in the field of medical devices and pharmaceutical products.

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2016-12-09 > Shanghai

General Manager of European Chamber Shanghai Chapter Speaks at 2016 International Think Tank Summit

Dr. Ioana Kraft, General Manager of European Chamber Shanghai Chapter, speaks at 2016 International Think Tank Summit and shares recommendations from the European business in Shanghai on promoting trade and investment facilitation.

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2016-12-09 > Beijing

Working Group Meeting with CNCA on Green Product Labeling and Certification

The speaker started his presentation by introducing the background and the processes of the Opinions on Establishing the Integrated Standard, Certification and Labeling System for Green Products (hereinafter to be referred as Opinions).

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2016-12-08 > Beijing

SME Internet+ Service Summit

8th December 2016, organised by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, co-hosted by Electronic Technology Information Research Institute, the 2016 SME Service Summit was successfully closed with participation of MIIT SME Bureau Director General, Deputy Director General, provincial SME Bureaus, industry parks, experts, SME associations, entrepreneurs and international organisations, in total over 300 attendees.

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2016-12-07 > Shanghai

Meeting with Mr. Bojan Pavlek, First Secretary, Trade Section of the Delegation of the European Union

Ms. Tiantian Qi, Senior Business Manager at the Chamber and Mr. Serafino Bartolozzi, Chairman of the Independent Auto Aftermarket (IAM) Desk and Auto Components Working Group, meet up with Mr. Bojan Pavlek, First Secretary, Trade Section of the Delegation of the European Union and discussed the EU Tour lobbying plans as well as the 2017 priorities.

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2016-12-07 > Beijing

The 9th International Roundtable of Multinational Corporations' Leaders

Sara Marchetta, Vice President of the Chamber attended the 9th International Roundtable of Multinational Corporations' Leaders, i.e. Forum on the "One Belt and One Road" Cooperation and Development.

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2016-12-07 > Shanghai

Meeting with the Bureau of Price Supervision and Anti-Monopoly of NDRC

Ms. Tiantian Qi, Senior Business Manager at the Chamber and Mr. Serafino Bartolozzi, Chairman of the Independent Auto Aftermarket (IAM) Desk and Auto Components Working Group, presented the IAM Desk Position 2016 to Mr. Xu Xinyu, Division Director of the Bureau of Price Supervision and Anti-Monopoly, NDRC.

Mr. Xu and Mr. Bartolozzi exchanged suggestions on how to strengthen the cooperation between the Bureau of Price Supervision and Anti-Monopoly of NDRC and the members of the European Chamber IAM Desk and discussed the auto sector anti-monopoly supervision plans and automotive sector AML guidelines. The European Chamber looks forward to future dialogues between Mr. Xu and members of the IAM Desk as agreed to follow up in early 2017.

After this meeting, the IAM Desk Position Paper 2016 was presented to Mr. Zhang Handong, Director General of the Bureau of Price Supervision and Anti-Monopoly of NDRC, Mr. Zhang carefully read through the content and suggested the team to take some content to its annual report.

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2016-12-06 > Shanghai

Seminar with MOFCOM Research Team on Business Environment for FIEs

Seminar with MOFCOM Research Team on Business Environment for FIEs

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2016-12-06 > Shanghai

General Manager of European Chamber Shanghai Chapter Speaks at 2016 Hangzhou Post-G20 Investment Promotion Event

General Manager of European Chamber Shanghai Chapter Speaks at 2016 Hangzhou Post-G20 Investment Promotion Event

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2016-12-06 > Beijing

Seminar with CMDE on Evaluation of ICU Ventilators

Members of the Healthcare Equipment Working Group participated in a Meeting of the CFDA's Centre for Medical Device on "Guidelines for the Evaluation of ICU Ventilators".

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