Advocacy Actions

2017-07-26 > All chapters

Comments on SAT's Draft of Implementing Regulations of the Law on Environmental Protection Tax

On 26 June, 2017, the Ministry of Finance (MOF), the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) and the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) jointly published the Implementing Regulations of the Law on Environmental Protection Tax (Draft for Comments) for public consultation.

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2017-07-26 > Beijing

Comments on RoHS II Compliance Management Catalogue

Comments on RoHS II Compliance Management Catalogue was submitted to MIIT

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2017-07-25 > Beijing

Secretary General Speaks at Global Times Leader Roundtable

Government officials and some 25 multinational corporations and business organizations attended the Global Times Leader Roundtable.

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2017-07-21 > All chapters

Comments on SAC's Draft of National Standard <Indicators for Green City>

In June, the Standardisation Administration of China (SAC) issued the National Standard <Indicators for Green City> for public consultation.

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2017-07-21 > Beijing

Chamber Vice President Addresses at the High-level International Forum on Sustainable Urban Development

European Chamber Vice President Massimo Bagnasco presented at the recent High-level International Forum on Sustainable Urban Development in Chengdu.

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2017-07-20 > All chapters

Comments on AQSIQ's Draft of Measures for the Administration of Certification Agencies

In June, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) and the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council both issued the Measures for the Administration of Certification Agencies for public consultation.

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2017-07-20 > Beijing

Meeting with New Director General of Center for Medical Device Evaluation, CFDA

HCE WG leadership met with New Director General of Center for Medical Device Evaluation, CFDA

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2017-07-19 > Beijing

Comments to CFDA Draft Regulation on "Supervision of Online-sales of Medical Devices"

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the CFDA's draft regulation on "supervision of online-sales of medical devices"

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2017-07-15 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to MOFCOM on Export Control Law (Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber's Legal & Competition, Compliance & Business Ethics, Information & Communication Technology, Information Security and Logistics Working Groups submitted comments on the Export Control Law (Draft for Comments) to the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM).

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2017-07-14 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments on AQSIQ's Administrative Measures on Food Safety Standards

Comments on AQSIQ's Administrative Measures on Food Safety Standards

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