Advocacy Actions

2018-12-11 > Shanghai, South China

Meeting with the Consulate General of France in Shanghai and Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security on China-France Intern Agreement

The European Chamber organised a joint Working Group meeting among Human Resources, Legal and Competition, Research and Development and Small-Medium Sized Enterprise Forum. It discussed the issue of internship visas for foreigners in China and featured a presentation on the China-France 1000 Interns Agreement by Mr. Fabien Chareix, Attaché for University Cooperation at the Consulate General of France in Shanghai as well as Ms Yinghua Zhu, the Deputy Director of Foreign Experts and Returned Scholars at Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security.

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2018-12-11 > Beijing

IMDRF Working Group Meeting on Guidance for Clinical Evaluation and Investigations

International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF) Working Group held a meeting on Guidance for Clinical Evaluation and Investigations on 11-13 December 2018 in Guangzhou.

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2018-12-07 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the MOT's Decision to Amend the < Ship Safety Supervision Rules > (Draft for Comments)

The International Liner Shipping Working Group submitted comments to the MOT's Decision to Amend the < Ship Safety Supervision Rules > (Draft for Comments).

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2018-12-07 > Beijing

2018 China-Europe Industry Symposium on Circular Economy

With the support from the Delegation of the European Union to China (EU Delegation), the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and the China Association of Circular Economy, the European Chamber organised the 2018 China-Europe Industry Symposium on Circular Economy: Leading Consumption Upgrade with Innovative Circular Model to discuss a wide spectrum of topics, including the extended producer responsibility (EPR) mechanism, the green supply chain, green products, standards and labelling, and best practice on circular model of brands and platforms in consumer goods sector.

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2018-12-06 > Beijing

Comments to MEE on the Draft Regulations on Administration of Pollutants Discharge Permit

Following the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE)’s call for comments on the Regulations on Administration of Pollutants Discharge Permit (Draft for Comments), and upon circulation of the draft within relevant working groups, the European Chamber has collated all member inputs and submitted to MEE.

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2018-12-06 > Beijing

Chamber Presents Position Paper to State Medical Insurance Administration (SMIA)

On 6th December, a Chamber delegation was received by Mr Shi Zihai, Vice Commissioner of the State Medical Insurance Administration (SMIA, also known as the National Healthcare Security Administration). At the meeting, Vice Commissioner Shi gave an overview of SMIA’s structural organisation and recent work priorities, including the reforming the list of medicines covered by national medical insurance and payment and procurement pilot programs.

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2018-12-06 > Shanghai

EU Ambassador to China and Shanghai Vice Mayor Attend European Chamber Appreciation Dinner

EU Ambassador to China Mr. Nicolas Chapuis Meeting with Shanghai Vice Mayor Mr. Xu Kunlin to Exchange Views on Local Business Environment

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2018-12-06 > Shanghai

European Chamber Hosts Appreciation Dinner: Shanghai Pioneering 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up

European Chamber Hosts Appreciation Dinner: Shanghai Pioneering 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up

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2018-12-06 > Shanghai

Chamber General Manager Addresses at the 2018 Shanghai International Think Tank Summit on the Optimisation of the Doing Business Environment in Shanghai

Invited by the Development Research Centre of Shanghai Municipal Government, Dr. Ioana Kraft, General Manager of European Chamber Shanghai Chapter, addressed at the 2018 Shanghai International Think Tank Summit.

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2018-12-05 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the MOT's Maritime Law of the People's Republic of China (Revised Draft for Comments)

The Logistics and International Liner Shipping Working Groups submitted comments to the MOT's Maritime Law of the People's Republic of China (Revised Draft for Comments).

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