Advocacy Actions

2019-07-26 > Beijing

Electronic Regulated Product Submission Workshop

on 26th July, medical device sector organized a workshop on the recently launched electronic Regulated Product Submission.

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2019-07-26 > Beijing

Submitted Recommendations on Medical Device Customs Clearance Inspection to Shanghai Customs

Following the visit to Shanghai Customs on 17th July, the medical device sector submitted recommendations on medical device customs clearance inspection to Shanghai Customs.

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2019-07-25 > Beijing

Meeting with the Centre for Drugs (Medical Devices) Re-evaluation

On 25th July, the Centre for Drugs (Medical Devices) Re-evaluation held a meeting on the Periodic Risk Evaluation Report.

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2019-07-25 > Beijing

The 10th EU-China SME Policy Dialogue

On 25th July, European Chamber and EU SME Centre representatives joined the 10th EU-China SME Policy Dialogue.

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2019-07-24 > Beijing

European Chamber Members Participate Medical Device Evaluation Reform Roundtable with NMPA

On 24th July, the Chinese Centre for Medical Device Evaluation of the National Medical Products Administration (the Centre) held a roundtable meeting as part of the ‘Remaining True to Original Aspiration and Keeping Mission Firmly in Mind’ initiative.

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2019-07-24 > Beijing

EU SMEs meet with Director Kristin Schreiber

On 24th July, a group of European SMEs led by EU SME Centre Director Peter Pronk met DG GROW Director Schreiber to discuss the situation in China for small businesses.

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2019-07-24 > Beijing

Submitted DITTA's New Work Item Proposal on Post-Market Clinical Follow-Up Studies to the National Medical Products Administration

On 24th July, DITTA submitted Post-Market Clinical Follow-Up Studies as the new work item extension for Management Committee Consideration.

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2019-07-23 > Beijing

Meeting with Shanghai Customs

Had a meeting with the Division of Commodity Inspection of Shanghai Customs for enhanced understanding on inspection policy and implementation process with regards to inspection of fashion and leather products.

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2019-07-23 > Beijing, Shanghai, South China

Submitted comments on MOT's Safety Requirements for Whole-Ship Transportation of Liquefied Natural Gas

On 23rd July 2019, the European Chamber's Energy, Logistics and Petrochemicals, Chemicals and Refining working groups submitted comments to the Ministry of Transport on "Safety Requirements for Whole-Ship Transportation of Liquefied Natural Gas (Draft for Comment)".

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2019-07-23 > Shanghai

European Chamber Representative Presents the Chamber's Stance on the Implementation Rules of the Foreign Investment Law

European Chamber Representative Presents the Chamber's Stance on the Implementation Rules of the Foreign Investment Law

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