Advocacy Actions

2019-12-02 > Beijing

Comments to the MOFCOM's Public Consultation on the Notice on Matters Related to the Report on Foreign Investment Information (Public Consultation)

On 2nd December, the Chamber submitted the comments on the Notice on Matters Related to the Report on Foreign Investment Information (Public Consultation) to the Ministry of Commerce.

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2019-12-02 > All chapters

Meeting with China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation (CPCIF)

On 2nd December, Jet Chang, chair of the Environment Working Group (EWG) led a delegation from the European Chamber to meet with Ms. MAN Juan, Division Chief of International Communication department and Vice Secretary - General, Committee of Multinationals, China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation (CPCIF).

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2019-12-02 > Beijing

Meeting with Deputy Director General YANG Lei and other officers from National Energy Administration

On 2nd December, National Energy Administration (NEA) Deputy Director General (DDG) Yang Lei led a delegation to attend the Energy Working Group meeting in Beijing.

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2019-11-29 > Beijing

Comments to the MOJ’s Public Consultation on the Regulation on the Implementation of the Foreign Investment Law (Public Consultation)

On 29th November, the Chamber has submitted the comments to the Ministry of Justice’s Public Consultation on the Regulation on the Implementation of the Foreign Investment Law (Public Consultation).

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2019-11-29 > Beijing

Meeting with the Singapore Embassy in Beijing

On 28th November, the Chamber met with the Singapore Embassy in Beijing.

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2019-11-29 > Beijing

Exchange with the China Anti-Infringement and Anti-Counterfeit Innovation Strategy Alliance

CAASA exchanged with European Chamber auto components working group on the key recommendation related IP issue advocacy strategy

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2019-11-28 > Southwest China

Meeting with Mr. Song Gang, Deputy Director General of Chongqing Commission of Commerce

On 28th November, President Jörg Wuttke led a delegation of Southwest China Chapter Board members and General Manager Ms Sally Huang to meet with Mr Song Gang, deputy director general (DDG) of the Chongqing Commission of Commerce, and officials from the Department of American and European Affairs, Division of Foreign Investment Administration and Foreign Affairs, and the Department of Foreign Trade Administration.

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2019-11-27 > Beijing, South China

Meeting with Mr. Gunnar Wiegand, Managing Director of Asia and the Pacific at European External Action Service

On 27 November 2019, the European Chamber, led by South China General Manager, Ms. Francine Hadjisotiriou, held a private lunch meeting for Mr. Gunnar Wiegand, Managing Director of Asia and the Pacific for the European External Action Service, with members of the European Chamber of Commerce – South China Chapter present.

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2019-11-27 > Shanghai

Letter to the Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission on the Impact of Opening Up International Relay in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone

On 27th November 2019, the European Chamber International Liner Shipping Sub-working Group submitted a letter to Ms. JING Yan, Vice Director of the Shipping Development Division of the Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission, in response to a series of questions that the Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission has raised in its previous meeting with members on 23rd September 2019, where the Shanghai Free Trade Zone development plan and the related upcoming research into allowing foreign carriers to engage in international relay in Shanghai has been discussed.

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2019-11-26 > Shanghai

European Chamber Presents Recommendations on Business Environment Improvement to Shanghai Municipal People's Congress

European Chamber Presents Recommendations on Business Environment Improvement to Shanghai Municipal People's Congress

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