Local News

2020-01-17 > All chapters

Seminar on EU- China Win-Win Aeronautical Cooperation & Tour to Airbus and Sinelson Aero

On 17th January, Aviation & Aerospace working group held a seminar on EU – China win-win Cooperation Seminar in Airbus (Tianjin). The attendees also visited Airbus Final Assembly Lines and Senelson Aero (Tianjin) workshop.

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2014-10-17 > All chapters

Discussion on Desk priorities and action plans

Discussion on Desk priorities and action plans

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2014-04-02 > Southwest China

Chongqing Cross Border E-Commerce

Chongqing Municipality to become the cross-border e-commerce base in Southwest China.

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2007-12-25 > All chapters

Joerg Wuttke Shares His Insights with CRI on European Chamber's Business Confidence Survey 2007

As President of the European Chamber, Joerg Wuttke shared his insights with CRI on European Chamber Business Confidence Survey 2007.

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2007-11-27 > All chapters

Joerg Wuttke Talks about EU-China Finance and Trade Issues with Bloomberg TV

On 27th November 2007, Joerg Wuttke, president of the European Chamber, talks with Bloomberg TV about European finance officials' meetings with Chinese officials this week, and the outlook for the yuan and trade with China.

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2007-11-23 > All chapters

Joerg Wuttke Talks about the Chamber's Business Confidence Survey on CCTV9

As President of the European Chamber, Joerg Wuttke talked about the Chamber's Business Confidence Survey 2007 in an interview with CCTV9 on 22nd November 2007.

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2007-10-29 > All chapters

Michael O'Sullivan Talks about the Opportunities and Challenges for EU companies with People's Daily

As Secretary General of the European Chamber, Michael O'Sullivan talked about the Opportunities and Challenges for EU companies in Post-WTO China with People's Daily in Ocotober 2007.

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2007-10-20 > All chapters

Joerg Wuttke Comments on President Hu's Speech on CCTV

As President of the European Chamber, Joerg Wuttke commented on President Hu's speech on the 17th National Congress of CPC during an interview with CCTV.

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2007-10-15 > All chapters

Joerg Wuttke's Interview with China Daily during the 17th Party Congress

As President of the European Chamber, Joerg Wuttke had an interview with China Daily on the occassion of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in October 2007.

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