National News

2013-03-19 > All chapters

Member Analyses, March 18 - 22 2013: National People's Congress

Member companies have analysed the NPC and the future priorities of the Party and the Government, and what they will mean for companies operating in China. We have compiled reports published this week.

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2013-03-15 > All chapters

In Europe for Europe

When the global financial crisis broke out in 2008, little did economic experts think it would be the precursor for a healthy economic relationship between China and Europe. But in the subsequent years the alliance, aided by a series of mergers and acquisitions in Europe, has managed to give Chinese outbound investment a new direction.

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2013-02-01 > All chapters

Survey: China to do more business in EU

(CNN) - This week the European Union Chamber of Commerce released this survey on Chinese investor perceptions of Europe.

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2013-01-17 > All chapters

FDI growth drops for first time in 3 years

Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows into China dropped for the first time in three years in 2012 amid the slow recovery of the world economy, but there is no sign of a large-scale exit of foreign capital from the country, the Ministry of Commerce said Wednesday.

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2013-01-04 > All chapters

China's first place for patents not quite the triumph it seems

Despite its high numbers of filings, the poor quality of applications throws the strength of the country's innovation into question.

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2008-12-03 > All chapters

Up to Sarkozy to get ties back on track

by China Daily

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2008-11-29 > All chapters

Marianne Friese on CCTV News talks about the postponement of the EU-China Summit

Secretary General of the European Chamber, Marianne Friese talked about European businesses' opinion on the postponement of the EU-China Summit on CCTV News' program "News Weekly" on 29th November 2008.

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2008-11-28 > All chapters

Sino-French rift sparks business fears

by Financial Times

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2008-11-26 > All chapters

Businesses still bullish on China

by Diao Ying, China Daily

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