National News

2019-01-10 > All chapters

President Mats Harborn Delivers Opening Speech at the European Chamber Annual Conference

European Union Chamber of Commerce in China President Mats Harborn delivered a speech at the European Chamber’s Annual Conference commemorating the progress made in the last four decades while also laying bare the challenges on the horizon.

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2019-01-10 > All chapters

Headwinds or Tailwinds? Deepening Reform in the Trade War Era

The first panel of the European Chamber Annual Conference 2018

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2019-01-10 > All chapters

China’s Innovation Drive: Top-down and Bottom-up

The Second Panel of European Chamber Annual Conference 2018

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2019-01-10 > All chapters

Economic Outlook and the Impact for Business

The Third Panel of European Chamber Annual Conference 2018

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2011-12-13 > All chapters

EU urges Beijing to stick to open trade policy


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2011-12-13 > All chapters

Growing criticism over stalled progress

Financial Times

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2011-12-05 > All chapters

China-Europe Partnership in Progress

Speech by Vice Foreign Minister Fu Ying at the Lanting Forum

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