
2020-06-02 > All chapters

European Chamber Report Raises Concerns Over Sustainability of Operating Environment for Airlines in China

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (European Chamber) today released In for the Long Haul: Developing a Sustainable Operating Environment for Airlines in China. The report provides analysis on China’s operating environment and its impact

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2020-04-22 > All chapters

European Infant Formula Industry Refutes Online Rumours of Supply Shortages 欧洲婴幼儿配方乳粉行业驳斥产品供应短缺的网络传言

The European infant formula industry today responded to online rumours that supplies have been disrupted by the COVID-19 outbreak, and that the supplies that are available may have been compromised.

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2020-02-27 > All chapters

COVID-19 Severely Impacting Business: trade associations call for proportionate measures to get real economy back on track

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (European Chamber) and the German Chamber of Commerce in China (German Chamber) today released details of a joint survey on the effects of COVID-19 on European business in China.

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2020-01-16 > All chapters

European Chamber report identifies profound lack of European involvement in China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and the scheme’s dampening effects on global competition

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (European Chamber) today released The Road Less Travelled: European Involvement in China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

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2020-01-16 > All chapters


1月16日,北京—中国欧盟商会于今日发布 “一带一路” 倡议相关的主题报告。基于对欧洲在华企业的调查和采访,该报告指出了目前欧洲企业在“一带一路”中的边缘角色,以及该倡议给全球竞争造成的影响。

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2019-12-12 > Shanghai

Shanghai’s 2020 International Financial Centre Goal Hindered by Capital Controls, RMB Inconvertibility, Opaque Regulation and Low Internationalisation

The European Chamber released a survey today revealing that although Shanghai’s financial ecosystem has made positive advances in recent years, the city will not reach its goal of becoming an international financial centre by 2020.

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2019-12-09 > All chapters

Futility of applying bilateral tariffs in a global economy increasingly apparent, as large firms side-step intended impact and small firms endure steady beating

From 12th– 20th September 2019, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China surveyed its member companies to better determine how they are being affected by the ongoing US-China trade war.

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2019-12-07 > South China

Bring Guangdong from ‘Locally Good’ to ‘Globally Great’ European Chamber facilitates Guangdong-European Business Partnership in 3rd CEIICC

7th December 2019, Dongguan, China – Today the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (European Chamber) together with the People’s Government of Guangdong Province, hosted the 2019 China (Guangdong) – Europe Investment Cooperation Conference

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2019-11-22 > Nanjing

European Chamber Report Encourages Nanjing to Play to its Strengths

The European Chamber today released the Nanjing Position Paper 2019/2020, its second local paper presenting the concerns, assessments and recommendations of European Chamber members doing business in the region.

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