
2013-09-30 > Shanghai

Update on Shanghai International Financial Forum

European Chamber Shanghai successfully held its 3rd Shanghai International Financial Forum 2013

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2013-09-30 > Beijing

Experts examine the latest human capital trends

While China may boast the largest workforce in the world, finding and retaining the right human capital to drive company growth has proven to be a challenge. Human Capital related issues continue to be top the list of business challenges for foreign companies doing business in China.

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2013-09-20 > All chapters

European Tour to Brussels - Day Three

This year's visit to Brussels comes to an end after the third day of meetings on 18th September.

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2013-09-18 > Beijing

European Chamber holds forum to help SME financing

Small and medium-sized enterprises play a crucial role for a country’s economic development. To develop their market, an increasing number of European SMEs are exporting their ideas and efforts to other countries, especially to China. In 2013 a new investment surge from the EU to China is being ridden by industry leading small and medium-sized enterprises. However, issues like access to finance and IPR protection continue to challenge both new comers and those already established in China.

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2013-09-18 > All chapters

European Tour to Brussels - Day Two

The highlight of the second day in Brussels is meeting with Karel De Gucht, Commissioner of DG TRADE.

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2013-09-17 > All chapters

European Tour to Brussels - Day One

Following the official launch of the European Business in China Position Paper on 5th September, a Chamber delegation, led by President Davide Cucino, travels to Europe. This continues the tradition of annual visits to Brussels and other European capitals and cities in order to present this important document to senior figures from EU Member States.

This year the delegation will have over 80 meetings in 14 cities. The objective of these meetings is to ensure that the Chamber's most important messages are heard and understood by key figures in Europe in the fields of politics, business, media and academia.

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2013-09-13 > All chapters

European Tour to Vienna and Berlin

On 11th and 12th September, European Chamber Delegation visits Vienna and Berlin to present Position Paper 2013/2014.

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2013-09-13 > South China

European Chamber Position Paper Launch in Guangzhou

On September 11th, 2013 the European Chamber Position Paper launch in Guangzhou gathered large number of participants representing the European companies operating in Guangdong, high level representatives of Guangdong government as well as European Consuls General and Trade Commissioners. The Launch received a great attention and coverage by local media such us Guangdong TV, radio, newspapers and internet media.

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2013-09-10 > Beijing

European Chamber launches Position Paper 2013/2014

On 5th September, 2013, the European Chamber published the European Business in China Position Paper 2013/2014. It draws directly from the knowledge and expertise of their 1,700 member companies following a six-month consultative process. Already in its 13th edition, this year’s Position Paper includes 26 vertical industry working group papers, eight horizontal industry working group papers, eight local papers and more than 800 recommendations.

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