
2015-04-03 > South China

South China Chapter Board Election Results

South China Board Election was held on 2nd April, 2015 in Guangzhou with one chair and six board members elected.

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2015-04-01 > South China

Euro Depreciation and How It Affects Manufacturing Industry

On March 25th in Shenzhen, the European Chamber South China Chapter, joint with the British Chamber of Commerce, held the Foreign Manufacturer’s Forum under the topic of Euro Depreciation and How It Affects Manufacturing Industry.

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2015-04-01 > South China

Working level meeting with Macao Environmental Protection Bureau

On March 27th, 2015 members of the Environment Working Group, European Chamber, South China Chapter met with the representatives of the Environmental Protection Bureau, Macao SAR.

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2015-03-25 > All chapters

Advisory Council Roundtable with Joseph Stiglitz

On 24th March, members of the European Chamber Advisory Council (AC) met with Professor Joseph Stiglitz, winner of the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences.

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2015-03-23 > Nanjing

The First Career Fair by Nanjing Chapter

Almost 100 job vacancies from 15 highly acknowledged foreign companies have attracted more than 1000 graduated students from the most promising Universities in Jiangsu on March 21st to the Career fair dedicated to foreign companies.

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2015-03-20 > Beijing

Brunswick Group: Lianghui in Review

Brunswick Group has put together an overview of key takeaways from this year’s National People’s Congress.

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2015-03-20 > Beijing

APCO Analysis of NPC: The Xi-Li Administration Seeks Alignment to Push Through Reforms

APCO worldwide recently released a report CHINA’S 2015 NATIONAL PEOPLE’S CONGRESS: The Xi-Li Administration Seeks Alignment to Push Through Reforms.

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2015-03-20 > Beijing

Setting the Stage for China's 13th Five-Year Plan: The OECD Contribution

Angel Gurria, Secretary General of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) gave a speech on March 19th at an event co-organised by the European Chamber.

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