
2012-11-08 > All chapters

China must allow more competition

As the Chinese Communist Party is choosing its new leaders for the next decade, the president of the European Chamber of Commerce in China (ECCC) calls on Beijing to open further the country’s market to foreign companies. Davide Cucino’s tells Europolitics why the Asian giant must open up its market if it wants to achieve sustainable long-term growth. The ECCC’s head is also cautious regarding a possible EU-China free trade agreement (FTA).

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2012-10-06 > All chapters

The State Advances-The State's Grip on the Economy Has Been Tightening. Could Foreign Pressure Persuade the New Leadership to Reverse Course?

DURING one recent weekend in Shanghai, an enthusiastic crowd of several hundred entrepreneurs gathered in a trendy loft space near the city’s Fudan University. The music was blaring, the lampposts were festooned and a giant banner declared cryptically, in English: “Right here, right now!”

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2012-09-29 > Nanjing

7th China Jiangsu International Agricultural Machinery Fair

7th China Jiangsu International Agricultural Machinery Fair will be held in Nanjing International Expo Centre on April 9-11, 2013.

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2012-09-06 > All chapters

European Chamber urges China's new leaders to open up markets

A once-in-a-decade leadership change in Beijing offers a chance to make much needed market access reforms, a European business lobby said on Thursday, warning that China's failure to do so could put at risk sustained growth of its state-led economy.

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2012-09-06 > All chapters

European Business in China Position Paper 2012/2013: Equal Access for All Would Bring about Rebalancing

Beijing, 06 September 2012 – The upcoming leadership transition provides the opportunity to enact much-needed reforms in China’s approach to foreign and domestic private investment, according to the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, which today launched the 13th annual edition of its primary lobbying document, the European Business in China Position Paper 2012/2013.

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2012-09-05 > All chapters

EU-China Business Summit

In parallel to the EU-China Political Summit, the EU-China Business Summit will take place on 20th September 2012 in Brussels. It is the highest-level platform for exchanges between EU and Chinese business and political leaders.

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2012-09-04 > All chapters

EU Business in China

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China will present its annual Position Paper at a special lunch seminar, to be held in Brussels on 18th September, 2012.

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2012-08-01 > All chapters

Investment needs a level playing field

At a time when foreign direct investment in China continues to decline, the need for it and its importance are being called into question. However, as the global economic crisis is far from over, this is a time when, if anything, FDI should continue and increase, not the other way around.

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2012-07-27 > Beijing

Energy Working Group News

Bi-weekly Newsletter on Energy policy and trends in China

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