
2019-09-09 > All chapters

President Jörg Wuttke Joins CGTN’s World Insight on Merkel’s Visit to China

On 9th September, European Chamber President Jörg Wuttke joined CGTN’s World Insight to discuss German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit to China.

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2019-09-06 > All chapters

Vice President Charlotte Roule Interviewed by Bloomberg on the Significance of Merkel’s Visit to China

European Chamber Vice President Charlotte Roule was interviewed by Bloomberg on 6th September on the significance of Merkel’s visit to China. VP Roule commented that Merkel’s visit is very important for European business.

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2019-08-28 > All chapters

European Chamber report on China’s Corporate Social Credit System a wake-up call for European business in China

The European Chamber in cooperation with Sinolytics, today released The Digital Hand: How China’s Corporate Social Credit System Conditions Market Actors, a comprehensive study on China’s Corporate Social Credit System.

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2019-08-28 > All chapters


中国欧盟商会与德国咨询公司 Sinolytics 合作于今日发布《分数决定命运—企业 社会信用体系如何规制市场主体》主题报告。
截至目前,有关中国社会信用体系的讨论主要仍集中在对个人的潜在影响上。尽管该信用体系将为所有在 华企业带来巨大影响,但并未引起足够的关注。鉴于企业社会信用体系即将于 2020 年全面铺开,中国欧盟商会发布此报告,希望帮助公众能够进一步了解该体系及其影响。

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2019-08-28 > All chapters

President Joerg Wuttke Interviewed by Bloomberg on China’s Corporate Social Credit System

Joerg Wuttke, president of EU Chamber of Commerce in China, discusses China’s corporate social credit system and its implication for foreign businesses.

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2019-08-27 > Beijing

The European Chamber Cross-Industry Mentorship Initiative

The European Chamber is proud to launch the inaugural phase of its Cross-industry Mentor Initiative (CIMI) and is now welcoming applications from potential mentees.

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2019-07-17 > Beijing

European Election Updates

On 16th July, the European Parliament elected German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen president of the new European Commission, which will run from 2019 to 2024.

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2019-07-12 > All chapters

Invest in China: How to Navigate the Negative Lists

This flowchart produced by the European Chamber provides a simple introduction to the relationships between China’s various negative lists and how they dictate the conditions under which foreign and Chinese companies invest in the market.

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2019-07-12 > All chapters

Podcast with President Wuttke: Navigating European business in times of the US-China Trade war

Jörg Wuttke, president of the European Chamber joined Fredrik Erixon, director of the European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE), on a podcast to discuss China-US trade negotiations post-G20.

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