
2016-10-18 > Shanghai

Compliance Conference 2016: Navigating Compliance Risks in China

On October 18th the European Chamber held the 2016 Compliance Conference. The Conference was particulary aimed at best practices exchange on issues of preventing, monitoring and reporting.

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2016-10-13 > Shanghai

How can Cloud Technology drive Business Growth?

On October 13th, the European Chamber organized an event about How can Cloud Technologies drive business growth.

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2016-09-26 > Beijing

[Video] Position Paper Launch Event 2016

European Business in China Position Paper 2016/2017 launched on 1st September. This video includes a review of Beijing's launch event and interviews with President Joerg Wuttke and Secretary General Adam Dunnett.

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2016-09-23 > Beijing

Tax Specialists Discuss OECD BEPS Framework and Corresponding SAT Public Notice

The European Chamber hosted a seminar on 20th September, to examine and discuss the measures taken by the OECD to shore up international tax rules, with respect to addressing base erosion profit shifting (BEPS).

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2016-09-03 > All chapters

European Chamber Calls for an End to Unequal Treatment of Foreign Investment in China

The European Chamber of Commerce in China believes that the revisions to four Chinese investment-related laws are not bold enough.

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2016-09-03 > All chapters



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2016-09-01 > All chapters

European Chamber Calls for Reciprocity

The European Chamber has today released its annual Position Paper in which it calls for reciprocity in openness to foreign investment and for market forces to play the central role in driving innovation and developing China’s economy.

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2016-09-01 > All chapters


中国欧盟商会今天发布了《欧盟企业在中国建议书 2016/2017》(下称《建议书》)。该《建议书》呼吁中国对外开放过程中落实互惠对等原则,发挥市场在创新和经济发展中的主导作用。《建议书》阐述了随着近期中国在欧投资增加而突显的欧企在华遭遇的市场准入严重不对等现象。

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2016-08-29 > Shanghai

European Chamber Marketing & Communication Forum: China 360° E-Marketing Conference

The China 360° E-marketing Conference was successfully held in Shanghai on 25th August, 2016, organized by the European Chamber.

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