Archive for 2018

On April 13, 2018 President Xi Jinping unveiled China's plan to build Hainan Island into a pilot international free trade zone.
The campaign to attract investment and introduce talents will accelerate the island's development and making it an important platform to attract global investors, projects, industries, advanced technologies and management expertise. This open-up strategy will offer many new opportunities for companies doing business in China.
As a member of European Chamber, you are invited to an exclusive breakfast session with Mr. Hui DING, the Mayor of Haikou on Tuesday, 19 June at PwC Innovation Centre.
Join this breakfast to learn more and understand what Hainan Province and the City of Haikou will offer as a business-friendly environment.

  • 2018-06-19 | 08:00 - 10:00
  • PwC Innovation Centre
Members only

The European Chamber of Commerce in China is pleased to invite you to a briefing session on the 2018 China International Import Expo (CIIE). During this session, officials from the China International Import Expo Bureau (CIIEB) will introduce the Expo and explain how our member companies can participate and benefit from it in future editions. This briefing will be held at 10:00am-12:00pm on June 19th at the European Chamber's Shanghai Office.

  • 2018-06-19 | 10:00 - 12:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office, Unit 2204

EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will take effect from 25th May 2018. GDPR is the most important milestone in data privacy regulation field in recent 20 years, which will bring significant impact on enterprises in EU and even worldwide. Any enterprises who have business connections with EU enterprises or get involved with data storage, data dealing, and data exchange of EU citizens must to comply with GDPR.

  • 2018-06-19 | 14:00 - 16:30
  • European Chamber Nanjing Office

Attention! You might be breaching the data protection regulation.

  • 2018-06-15 | 13:15 - 17:30
  • Meeting Room at Ying Ke Law Firm

The European Chamber Nanjing Chapter is delighted to invite you to attend “Seminar: HR MIDYEAR REVIEW—Labor relationship, social assurance, foreign employee management” at 14:00 on June 15th, 2018 (Friday).

  • 2018-06-15 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • No.5 Meeting Room, 7F, Intercontinental Hotel

Andrew Polk will discuss the details of recent opening measures in the financial sector, putting them within the broader policy context, and highlighting the many hurdles that still remain for companies to take advantage of these changes.

  • 2018-06-14 | 09:00 - 10:30
  • The Westin Beijing Chaoyang Hotel, Fire Room, 3rd Floor

Driven by China’s booming e-commerce platforms there are few sectors that have encountered as much disruption in recent years as retail. The retailers that had most success in meeting the challenges brought by these dominant e-commerce platforms have moved beyond classic brick-and-mortar operations, adopting business models that effectively create synergy between online and offline sales channels.

  • 2018-06-12 | 15:00 - 17:30
  • Rosewood Beijing Hotel, Salon 303, 3rd Floor
Shenyang > Social

International Outing@CISS

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, together with Canadian International School of Shenyang (CISS) with the joint support the American Chamber of Commerce in China, China Britain Business Council, and Canada's Northeast Representative Office in the Northeast, the Korean Chamber of Commerce, invites you to participate in the “International Outing” on June 9th from 13:00 to 17:00. .中国欧盟商会与沈阳加拿大外籍人员子女学校携手,一同邀请您参加6月9日13:00-17:00的“国际户外交流活动”

  • 2018-06-09 | 13:00 - 17:00
  • Canadian International School of Shenyang

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, together with ENT and BSC (the host unit) , invites you to participate in the “Parent-child Open Day - Sailing Party” from June 9th to 10th June. ( The event includes foreign trainers, two-way transportation, meals, insurance, water sports and night activities.
由中国欧盟商会支持, ENT和BSC主办的亲子开放日-帆船航海派对将于6月9日(周六)至6月10日(周日)举办。活动包含外籍教练、往返交通、餐、保险水上运动及晚间活动。

  • 2018-06-09 - 2018-06-10 | 09:01
  • Seatopia Sailing Club, Beidaihe New Area, Qinhuangdao

New Rules, More Exciting.You deserve some sporty fun!

  • 2018-06-09 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • International School of Tianjin (IST)