Archive for 2019

The goal of the European Business in China Award 2019 is to encourage excellence and identify outstanding achievements. The European Chamber wish to recognize businesses who have made exceptional contributions through their involvement and leadership, making a clear difference and who act as role models in our community, China and Europe.

  • 2019-03-15 - 2019-03-15 | 18:00 - 22:00
  • Hilton Shenzhen Futian Hotel

为达成预防之目的, 质量体系标准中明确要求组织必须掌握及理解SPC的基本概念, 如变差,稳定, 过程能力,过度调整等, 并能在组织有效应用SPC, 为组织的制造及管理过程的运行和改善提供有力支持。

  • 2019-03-14 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • 2F Meeting Room,Cybio Technology

2018 was a busy period for intellectual property developments both in China and beyond. In an increasingly global world, developments in China impact not only China business but businesses abroad. The same is true for developments in Europe which impact businesses and trends in China. Our panel of experts will explore recent IP developments in China and their practical impact. In addition, we will be providing a UK and European perspective on both Brexit and Standard Essential Patents, the latter of which is becoming an increasingly important battleground in China.


  • 2019-03-13 - 2019-03-13 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • Guangzhou Marriott Hotel

春天来了,在这美好的日子里,我们一起来为世界上最著名的葡萄品种 --“雷司令 (Riesling)”庆祝生日吧!

今年3月13日,德国葡萄酒协会将在上海、广州举办 “Happy Birthday Riesling” 活动。其中广州地区授权天傲名家贸易有限公司主办本次活动。 德国葡萄酒协会与天傲名家诚意邀请你共同参加雷司令的584岁生日派对!

  • 2019-03-13 | 18:30 - 21:30
  • Parkview Dining Lounge