Archive for 2020

South China > Training



  • 2020-06-11 - 2020-06-12 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • TÜV Rheinland Guangzhou office

The European Chamber Southwest Chapter and the Chongqing Liangjiang New Area sincerely invite you to join the Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Investment Environment Cloud Promotion·Europe Session on June 10th, 2020 (Wednesday) online.


  • 2020-06-10 | 16:30 - 17:20
  • Online
South China > Training



  • 2020-06-10 - 2020-06-12 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • TÜV Rheinland Guangzhou office

 SA8000标准是社会责任国际(SAI)制定的为世界各地的工厂和组织制定的首个社会责任认证标准。它是一个适用于全球任何行业的整体性框架,旨在帮助获得认证的组织彰显其在公平对待员工方面所做的努力。
 SA8000:2014版已于2014年6月发布,在2018年1月1日起全面实施。SA8000:2014标准衡量组织在工作场所社会责任八个重要方面的社会表现,同时配合使用管理体系体系要素来推进本标准在各方面的持续改进提升

  • 2020-06-10 - 2020-06-12 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • TÜV莱茵深圳办公室 | TÜV Shenzhen Office

The ISO 45001 Standard is designed to protect against work-related injuries and illnesses, providing a safe and healthy workplace and proactively improving OHS performance. As a global standard, the ISO 45001 standard applies to all areas, political, economic, commercial and social environments. It sets a unified benchmark for occupational health and safety management. Therefore, if your business needs to operate in the international market or conduct trade activities, you can use this unified standard to simplify operations.

  • 2020-06-10 - 2020-06-12 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • TÜV Rheinland Guangzhou office

2020 was meant to be a "special" year for EU-China relations, with a raft of high-level meetings and summits on the agenda and a major investment agreement near completion, but this was before the world was engulfed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, a high level of tensions: strategic, economic, political... are growing day after day. "These tensions are not conducive to the cooperative spirit that we need today in order to mitigate the consequences of the pandemic and prepare a global recovery," Said by Nicolas Chapuis, the European Union's ambassador to China. It is believed that as a third party, the EU's voice "is more than ever necessary" and that it could be key in providing multilateral solutions.

  • 2020-06-09 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Zoom

EU-China Belt and Road Initiative - Opportunities in the freight train industry

  • 2020-06-09 | 16:00 - 17:00
  • Online



  • 2020-06-09 - 2020-06-11 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • TÜV莱茵深圳办公室 | TÜV Shenzhen Office

How to Make Excellent H5 Poster for Business, Nowadays, H5 posters have been widely used in sectors as Internet finance, new retail e-commerce, online games, new media platforms, online education, etc. Because of its diversified forms of expression, quick and creative content updates, as well as its flexibility of sharing, companies’ marketing costs can be largely reduced.

一天学会H5,商务海报的策划制作, 如今,H5海报已经广泛应用到互联网金融、新零售电商、网络游戏、新媒体平台以及在线教育等,H5海报的表现形式多样化,便于更新内容及创新,且宣传形式不受时间空间的限制,只要广告质量高,就能够被不断转发分享,大大降低企业的营销成本,提高营销转化率,开启推广营销新时代.

  • 2020-06-09 - 2020-06-10 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • Online (webinar link will be shared prior to the event) 线上授课 (上课前统一发送上课链接)

Many aspects of business in China have been greatly affected by the outbreak of COVID-19, Multinational Corporations (MNCs) are especially encountering obstacles within China’s slowing economy. MNCs may find the need to evolve their sales and production beyond 1st tier cities, have increasing pressure for growth, profits and independence, or may struggle with local competition among many other accumulating challenges.

In this webinar, Mark Harrison, Partner at KPMG, will discuss the importance of a ‘portfolio-like mindset’ when MNCs are striving for long-term success and adjustment while still in the COVID-19 outbreak and beyond.

  • 2020-06-08 | 16:00 - 16:55
  • Online - Zoom Online Meeting Platform