Archive for 2020

South China > Training


---MSA(Measurement System Analysis)测量系统分析,只有合格的测量系统才能提供正确的数据。TÜV莱茵学院的MSA在线直播课程将从基本概念着手,介绍测量系统分析的基本方法与应用技巧,让学员学会正确使用基本的测量系统方法.

  • 2020-03-20 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • online

As an international famous independent third-party inspection, testing and certification agency, TÜV Rheinland has more than 140 years of experience. Now you can check the recent webinars held by TÜV Rheinland online, and make an appointment for relevant event to see the courses you need.

  • 2020-03-20 - 2020-03-20 | 10:00 - 10:00
  • On line


  • 2020-03-19 | 14:00 - 15:30
  • Online Event
South China > Training


• 掌握工业机器人的理论知识
• 学会robotstudio软件的基本操作
• 学会用robotstudio进行编程操作
• 学会用robotstudio进行具体工艺的应用

  • 2020-03-18 - 2020-03-31 | 09:00 - 12:00
  • online

The European Chamber is happy to invite you to the kick-off meeting of the Standards and Conformity Assessment Working Group (SCA WG), which will take place online via Zoom on Tuesday, 17th March 2020, from 15:30 to 17:00.

  • 2020-03-17 | 15:30 - 17:00
  • European Chamber offices Beijing
Members only

Government Policies that Support Business Operations during the COVID-19: A Discussion with the Shanghai Local Authorities

  • 2020-03-17 | 10:00 - 12:00
  • Online Webinar
Members only
South China > Training


通过学习TÜV莱茵学院的PPAP(Production Part Approval Process)在线直播课程,学员能了解到PPAP生产件批准程序,便于供方向分承包方传达产品质量策划要求。如何在过确认中进行提交零件和相应文件,是用来确定“供方(供应商)”是否已经正确理解了顾客的工程设计记录和规范的所有要求,并且在执行所要求的生产节拍条件下的实际过程中,具有持续满足这些要求的潜在能力.

  • 2020-03-17 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • online

One of the mottoes of the new Commission under the auspices of President Ursula Von der Leyen has been to “strive for more at home in order to lead in the world”. Throughout the new leadership’s 100 first days, a number of road-maps that will likely pave the way of Europe’s strategic development and global positioning in the next five years have been developed. Looking at EU-China cooperation and competition, perhaps two of the most relevant road-maps devised by the new Commission are its Artificial Intelligence (AI) White Paper – released on 19th February – and its industrial strategy – rolled out on 10th March.

  • 2020-03-16 | 16:00 - 17:30
  • online

COVID-19 has impacted communities in multiple regions since its outbreak and continues to spread around the globe. While its further consequence may still take time to be gauged, transportation has been severely stroked, it is more expensive and time-consuming with less available options for passengers and goods to reach their destinations. Several sectors, such as aviation, global maritime shipping, and land transportation – which are all backbones of the world economy - are facing greater challenges, the derivatives of which will unavoidably extend across global economy, who find themselves without goods and without workers.

  • 2020-03-13 | 10:00 - 12:00
  • Online Webinar

自中美贸易争端以来,中国财政部已经开展了两批对美加征关税的排除申请工作,这两批排除申请主要是审核申请主体在商品替代 来源方面面临的困难、加征关税对申请主体造成经济损害程度,以及对相关行业造成负面结构性影响等。2020年2月18日,财政部宣布,自3月2日起对按市场化和商业化原则自美采购的进口商品开展新的加征关税排除工作。

On 18 Feb 2020, the Chinese Ministry of Finance (MOF) announced a new application process of Market-oriented Procurement Exclusion (MPE) for Chinese retaliatory duty levied on US-origin products. Since 2 Mar, MOF has started to review MPE applications raised by companies and some applications have been approved.


In order to help our members make the best use of the MPE policy and mitigate the negative impact of China-US trade conflict, we are pleased to invite you to join our webinar on 12 March.

  • 2020-03-12 | 16:00 - 17:30
  • Online - Zoom
Members only