Archive for 2023

This training is a 3-day live online training.
The automotive industry quality system standard IATF 16949:2016, developed by the IATF, clearly stipulates that organizations should have qualified internal auditors. This course is specifically designed for organisations implementing IATF 16949:2016 or training for certification purposes. Participants will learn the intent and requirements of IATF 16949:2016, including an introduction to the process approach and its core tools for the automotive industry. Through a precise understanding of the standard requirements, the simulation audit of the application of audit techniques and process methods in the automotive industry, the internal auditors of the organization can master the basic requirements of IATF 16949:2016 and have the ability to plan and complete the internal audit.

本课程为 3 天在线直播课程。
IATF 所制定的汽车行业质量体系标准 IATF 16949:2016 中明确规定,组织应具有有资格的内部审核员。本课程特别为组织推行 IATF 16949:2016 或认证目的培训。学员将学习到 IATF 16949:2016 的意图和要求,包括过程方法及其汽车行业核心工具介绍。通过对标准要求的精准理解,汽车行业审核技巧及过程方法应用的模拟审核,使组织的内审员可以掌握 IATF 16949:2016 基本要求并有能力策划完成内部审核。

  • 2023-09-11 - 2023-09-13 | 09:00 - 17:30
  • Online webinar

The social media operation is essential of general branding work for an enterprise. What we are delivering in this training is how the brand awareness of the enterprise from shallow to deep process affects the target customer group's decision making and its decision environment. What we call "corporate followers operation" is to use "fan thinking" to attract new customers and improve the retention rate and conversion rate of those existing customers.

企业的品牌工作中,社交媒体的运营已经是基础工作。从社会心理学来说,“粉丝”也从追星的小众词变成了大众接受的状态。但是,企业层面的“粉丝”与拥有个人IP和情感粘性的“个人粉丝”是有根本区别的。企业的“粉丝”不是狭义的“微信后台粉丝”。“企业粉丝”泛指所有潜在客户和老客户。很多B2B企业问我: “我们的签单客户是企业,不是个体人,不需要去理解个体人在传播中的心理和感受。”这种观点是错的。原因很简单:签单盖的章是企业,但是做出购买决定的是个体人。再大的组织,购买决策流程再长,做决定的依然是一个个有情感的个体人。同样,任何一篇企业宣传内容传播出去,阅读信息和接手信息的也是个体人。更不用说社交媒体的粉丝了。


  • 2023-09-08 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • online

The European Chamber GA Forum is delighted to invite you to join our Forum activity with the topic of EU Economic Security Strategy and China-EU Economic and Trade Relations (欧盟经济安全战略与中欧经贸关系) on Friday 8th September 2023 at 10:00-11:30 AM.

  • 2023-09-08 | 10:00 - 11:30
  • European Chamber Beijing Office C405
Members only

In order to let members understand the current trend in air pollution contrail, carbon neutrality in China and PCF in the chemical industry, we would like to hold a workshop cooperate with AICM on low-carbon and sustainable development in the chemical industry in the EUCCC meeting room on Sep. 8th.

  • 2023-09-08 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office
Members only

Social media has become a fundamental part of corporate branding. In terms of social psychology, however, there is a fundamental difference between "fans" at the enterprise level and "personal fans" with personal IP and emotional adhesion. Corporate fans" are not "WeChat background fans" in the narrow sense. "Enterprise fans" refers to all potential customers and regular customers.
What we want to study is how the transition from shallow to deep awareness of a corporate brand affects the decision makers of the target segment and the context in which they make their decisions. What we mean by "enterprise fan operation" is to use "fan thinking" to attract new customers, acquire customers and increase the retention and conversion rate of existing customers.

  • 2023-09-08 - 2023-09-08 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • zoom online

The social media operation is essential of general branding work for an enterprise. What we are delivering in this training is how the brand awareness of the enterprise from shallow to deep process affects the target customer group's decision making and its decision environment. What we call "corporate followers operation" is to use "fan thinking" to attract new customers and improve the retention rate and conversion rate of those existing customers.


  • 2023-09-08 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online Course - Zoom link will be shared prior to the training by email 线上课程 - Zoom链接将于培训前发送到报名邮箱

The social media operation is essential of general branding work for an enterprise. What we are delivering in this training is how the brand awareness of the enterprise from shallow to deep process affects the target customer group's decision making and its decision environment. What we call "corporate followers operation" is to use "fan thinking" to attract new customers and improve the retention rate and conversion rate of those existing customers.

  • 2023-09-08 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Zoom online

2023 Interchamber After Work Summer Mixer

  • 2023-09-08 | 18:30 - 20:30
  • Renaissance Tianjin Lakeview Hotel BLD Restaurant Garden

In the brand work of an enterprise, the operation of social media is already the basic work. From the perspective of social psychology, "fan" has also changed from a niche word for star-chasing to a state of public acceptance. But there is a fundamental difference between being a "fan" at the corporate level and being a "fan" with a personal IP and emotional engagement. The "fans" of enterprises are not "wechat background fans" in the narrow sense. "Business fans" generally refers to all potential customers and regular customers. Many B2B companies ask me: "Our signing customers are enterprises, not individuals, do not need to understand the psychology and feelings of individuals in communication." This view is wrong. The reason is simple: businesses sign the bills, but individuals make the purchasing decisions. No matter how big the organization is, no matter how long the purchase decision process is, the decision is still made by individuals with emotions. Similarly, for any piece of corporate propaganda to go out, it is individuals who read the message and take it. Not to mention social media followers.
What we hope to study is how the brand awareness of the enterprise from shallow to deep process affects the target customer group's decision making and its decision environment. What we call "business fan operation" is to use "fan thinking" to attract new customers and improve the retention rate and conversion rate of old customers.


  • 2023-09-08 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online Training

In the brand work of an enterprise, the operation of social media is already the basic work. From the perspective of social psychology, "fan" has also changed from a niche word for star-chasing to a state of public acceptance. But there is a fundamental difference between being a "fan" at the corporate level and being a "fan" with a personal IP and emotional engagement. The "fans" of enterprises are not "wechat background fans" in the narrow sense. "Business fans" generally refers to all potential customers and regular customers. Many B2B companies ask me: "Our signing customers are enterprises, not individuals, do not need to understand the psychology and feelings of individuals in communication." This view is wrong. The reason is simple: businesses sign the bills, but individuals make the purchasing decisions. No matter how big the organization is, no matter how long the purchase decision process is, the decision is still made by individuals with emotions. Similarly, for any piece of corporate propaganda to go out, it is individuals who read the message and take it. Not to mention social media followers.
What we hope to study is how the brand awareness of the enterprise from shallow to deep process affects the target customer group's decision making and its decision environment. What we call "business fan operation" is to use "fan thinking" to attract new customers and improve the retention rate and conversion rate of old customers.

  • 2023-09-08 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Zoom online