
The electronic and electrical industry and the auto parts industry are faced with more and more stringent requirements for the control of chemical harmful substances, such as the EU RoHS directive, REACH regulation, POPs regulation, SCIP notification, German PAHs standard and so on.电子电器产业、汽车零部件产业面临着越来越多也日趋严格的化学有害物质管控的要求,典型如欧盟的RoHS指令、REACH法规、POPs法规、SCIP通报、德国的PAHs标准等等。

  • 2021-08-27 | 14:00 - 16:00
  • online

The Data Security Law (DSL) represents a milestone in China’s regulatory framework. For the first time information, rather than technology, will be the regulatory focus. That the law was pushed through so quickly is indicative of its importance to policy makers. The key question for firms operating in China is how important it will be for them. The regulation establishes a class of regulated information that is not a state secret but is sensitive enough to China where how it is handled and where it is transferred is now regulated. How will this impact the operations of companies in China? Where does the DSL fit into the broader regulatory framework?

  • 2021-08-26 | 16:00 - 17:00
  • Zoom Online/European Chamber Beijing Office C405

The European Chamber is delighted to invite a diverse group of stakeholders, Ms. Agatha Kratz, Associate Director, Rhodium Group, Mr. Sean Stein, Senior Advisor, Covington & Burlington LLP and a guest speaker from Federation of German Industries (BDI) to discuss the US, the EU and Germany’s recent discussion and decisions on supply chains and the potential implications on the European business in China.

  • 2021-08-25 | 16:00 - 17:30
  • Zoom

Dear Members and Friends,
The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Shenyang Chapter invites you to participate in the practice of the Golf Club on August 22nd(Sunday)from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. 中国欧盟商会沈阳分会诚挚邀请您参加8月22日(周日)上午 9:00 到 11:00的举办的高尔夫俱乐部练习活动。

  • 2021-08-22 | 09:00 - 11:00
  • Shenyang Shengjing International Golf Club

At the latest edition of the Chamber’s long running macroeconomic series Insight China, the European Chamber is delighted to welcome Ms. Dan WANG, Chief Economist at Hang Seng Bank China, and Mr. Long CHEN, Co-Founder and Partner of Plenum, to share their views and insights on the plan from the supply-side structural reform perspective.

  • 2021-08-20 | 16:00 - 17:20
  • Zoom Online/European Chamber Beijing Office C405

This is a Chamber supported event, please register here: ECCK SDGs Webinar Series 2021: Evonik improves life day in, day out - European Chamber of Commerce in Korea

The European Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ECCK) has set Sustainability as a focus area for 2021. In order to contribute to a better world, the ECCK has set up a webinar series on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, hereafter referred to as SDGs. We are delighted to have H.E. BAN Ki-moon, the eight Secretary-General of United Nations, support this initiative, and we have received confirmation from Global CEOs to share their companies’ insights and effort to contribute to the SDGs. In addition to our own membership, ECCK will open this webinar series to all members of the European Business Organisation Worldwide Network(EBOWWN), spread out across 45 countries.

  • 2021-08-19 | 15:00 - 16:00
  • Zoom Online

Enjoy a beautiful summer night like you are back in Europe.

The European Chamber is delighted to invite you to celebrate a fantastic night together with the European business community at our signature Mid-Summer Garden Party, at the Bulgari Hotel in Beijing, on Wednesday, 28 July, from 18:00 to 20:00.

  • 2021-07-28 - 2021-07-28 | 18:00 - 20:00
  • Terrace, 1F, Bulgari Hotel Beijing

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Shenyang Chapter invites you to participate in the First Practice of the Golf Club July 17th(Saturday)from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. 中国欧盟商会沈阳分会诚挚邀请您参加7月17日(周六)上午 9:00 到 11:00 的举办的高尔夫俱乐部首次练习活动。

  • 2021-07-17 | 09:00 - 11:00
  • Shenyang Huizhi International Golf Club 辽宁沈阳汇置高尔夫球俱乐部

Tour to SEVEN (Tianjin) Industrial Co. Ltd. 一起走进赛闻(天津)工业有限公司

  • 2021-07-15 | 13:00 - 16:00
  • SEVEN (Tianjin) Industrial Co. Ltd.

The access to government procurement work in China continues to be a fundamental obstacle for foreign companies in China in the field of Construction. Despite many reforms, China is still far from guaranteeing a procurement level playing field for foreign companies in the construction sector. According to the EU parliament, the longer China fails to accede to the World Trade Organisation (WTO)’s Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) and open up its procurement markets, the more likely it is to end up in the crosshairs of the EU’s proposed International Procurement Instrument.

  • 2021-07-14 | 16:00 - 17:30
  • Online - Zoom Platform