
E-mail is the most common, convenient and potentially costly means of business communications. From customer service representatives and sales managers to administrative professionals and CEOs, nearly everyone uses e-mail to communicate with customers and colleagues.

  • 2018-03-07 | 13:30 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Nanjing Office

Companies have been using “design thinking” to spur innovation for several decades, Design thinking is best applied to ambiguous problems that don’t have known solutions.

“Design thinking” is a term coined by the design company IDEO to describe a process of user-oriented research, collaborative, multi-disciplinary problem solving and prototyping for a target audience through a relational process that drives the final designs to fit the greatest point of need by the particular users. In design thinking this process is referred to as “Challenge,” “Inspiration,” “Ideate,” and “Prototype.

  • 2018-02-28 | 09:00 - 11:00
  • Nanjing International School

Come and enjoy the world masterpiece performance! A unique feast of world-class music and opera comes to Shenyang on this special night and the Performance Orchestra will be playing Chinese and German famous pieces.

  • 2018-02-07 | 19:00 - 21:00
  • Shenyang Mukden Theatre 沈阳盛京大剧院


  • 2018-01-19 | 13:30 - 17:00
  • British Council Teaching Center, Nanjing 英国文化教育协会 南京英语中心