
By deeply understanding the content of ISO 13485, this course will deepen the understanding of the specific requirements, risk analysis and evaluation, identification and traceability, feedback system, warning system, advisory notice, etc. related to the safety and effectiveness of medical devices. According to the basic principles of auditing, we can audit the internal quality management system, obtain audit evidence, and conduct a correct and objective audit evaluation of ISO 13485 system from the aspects of meeting the requirements of laws and regulations and maintaining an effective quality management system.

本课程将通过深入了解 ISO 13485 标准内容,加深理解医疗器械所特有的与产品安全性有效性有关的特定要求、风险分析和评估、标识与追溯、反馈系统、警戒系统、忠告性通知等;并能按照审核的基本原则,执行内部质量管理体系审核,获取审核证据,从满足法规要求、保持有效的质量管理体系等方面对 ISO 13485 体系进行正确客观的审核评价。

  • 2024-03-25 - 2024-03-27 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online Training

By 2024, the era of short video has taken shape. Everyone uses short video shopping, everyone has a short video account.
In recent years, I have dealt with a lot of public opinion crises caused by user rights protection. The current trend is that more and more users will prioritize Tiktok and XiaoHongshu to express their dissatisfaction when defending their rights.随着更多网络到了2024年了,短视频时代已经形成。人人都用短视频购物,人人都有短视频账号。我这几年处理了很多用户维权引发的舆情危机。目前的趋势就是,越来越多的用户在维权时,会优先用抖音和小红书来表达不满。

  • 2024-03-21 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Teams online

This course is specifically designed for individuals transitioning from technical or professional roles to team leadership positions. It systematically analyzes the role positioning of team managers, their main tasks, and various management issues encountered in management positions, such as goal setting, communication, motivation, and delegation. It aims to improve managers' abilities to lead teams and handle common problems, thereby enhancing their personal and departmental performance and greatly improving team execution.

  • 2024-03-21 | 09:00 - 12:00
  • Online Training

This is a leadership "dialogue" course based on reshaping the mindset. It explores the unconscious "one-sided controlling thinking pattern" in pragmatism, revealing the fact that while we aspire to inspire others, we unconsciously inhibit others due to the "one-sided controlling thinking pattern". It also delves into why we cannot effectively lead others and generate "genuine dialogue". The course aims to empower students to reflect on their leadership mindset and become aware of their dialogue relationships, thereby mastering the techniques of ORID focused dialogue and the diagnosis of Satiya Iceberg Model dialogue. It enhances the level of dialogue in every work scenario, utilizing the power of dialogue to achieve effectiveness in leading others.
这是一门基于重塑心智的领导力“对话”课程。它对践行主义中无意识“单边控制型思维模式”的探讨,揭示了我们既渴望激发他人又因“单边控制型思维模式”无意识地遏制了他人的事实,以及为何我们无法有效领导他人并产生“真正的对话”的原因。本课程旨在赋能学员对其领导力心智模式的反思和对其对话关系的觉察,从而真正掌握 ORID 焦点对话的技术和萨提亚冰山模型对话的诊断,提升每个工作场景中对话的水平,借助对话的力量来达到领导他人的有效性。

  • 2024-03-21 | 13:30 - 17:30
  • Online Training

From "slow job selection," "late employment," and "gap years" among post-95s fresh graduates to the "rectification of the workplace" by post-00s employees, a plethora of management issues concerning the new generation of employees have been causing headaches for companies and managers alike. How can we better understand the new generation of employees? How can we adopt effective strategies to guide and motivate them? We will start by delving into market research and corporate practices to share insights on managing the new generation of employees with everyone.
从 95 后应届生的“慢择业”、“迟就业”、“间隔年”到 00 后员工“整顿职场”,层出不穷的新生代员工管理问题让企业和管理者们头疼不已。如何更好地了解新生代员工?如何采取有效的方式引导和激励他们?我们将从市场调研和企业实践入手,与大家分享关于新生代员工的管理心得。

  • 2024-03-20 | 13:30 - 17:30
  • Online Training


In the ongoing process of corporate growth, managers often prioritize their own authority, while departments emphasize their respective interests. As a result, projects often struggle to progress smoothly, leading to the wastage of company resources. To overcome issues related to influence, every member within the organization must first be willing, capable, and equipped with methods to contribute. Practical engagement is essential. This course addresses the issue of communication influence from two perspectives: mindset and communication skills. It aims to help participants understand the challenges they face, adjust, and enhance their abilities to achieve the organization's goals. The course adopts a learner-centric approach in designing lively and flexible learning activities, making it easier for participants to grasp practical improvement methods and techniques. This, in turn, encourages participants to elevate their communication influence capabilities.

  • 2024-03-19 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online Training

In this course, you will learn how to use ChatGPT as well as other automation tools to increase your productivity. We will cover some popular automation tools and provide some practical examples to help you understand how to apply these tools in your daily work. Whether you want to increase productivity or learn automation tools, this course will be a good choice. Our goal is to help you quickly master these tools and apply them to your daily work.

  • 2024-03-12 - 2024-03-13 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Teams online

In addition to daily Office applications, Office 365 also provides a number of intelligent collaborative communication components, including Teams, Forms, SharePoint, Power Automate and Power Apps. These components can be used individually or more often in combination can be better integrated with Office 365. This course takes the form of case teaching and guide students to understand functions of Power Apps intelligent components and master the comprehensive application of components.

  • 2024-03-06 | 09:00 - 16:00

With the rapid development of information technology, society has placed higher demands on the telecommunications industry. Telecom operators are increasingly demanding more from their suppliers. TL 9000 is a quality management system applicable to all suppliers in the supply chain of telecommunications products. TL 9000 specifies that organizations providing various types of products should collect relevant data as required by the measurement handbook and regularly submit data to designated agencies via the internet to measure and evaluate the results of the organization's quality management system implementation. This facilitates customers in identifying high-quality suppliers. It also enables organizations to understand their performance levels in the industry, conduct organizational performance assessments, and improvements. This promotes synchronous improvement across all levels of the supply chain, ultimately aiding in the improvement of processes and products for the entire industry.
随着信息技术的迅猛发展,社会对电信业提出了更高的要求。电信业的营运商对其供方提出了越来越多的要求。TL 9000 就是适用于所有提供电信产品的供应链上的所有供方的质量管理体系。TL 9000规定了提供各类型产品的组织应按测量手册中的要求,收集相关的数据,并定期通过网络向指定的机构申报数据,以用来度量和评价组织质量管理系统的实施结果。以便于客户从中寻找优质供应商。同时使组织了解自己在业界的业绩水平,进行组织绩效评估和改进。从而促进各级供应链的同步提高,最终为全行业的过程和产品改进提供帮助。

  • 2024-03-05 - 2024-03-07 | 10:00 - 17:00
  • Online Training

The full English name of GD&T is "Geometric Dimensioning and Geometric Tolerancing", which can be understood domestically as "dimension and geometric tolerance specifications". It includes two parts: dimensioning and geometric tolerancing. This course will guide students to analyze the advantages of GD&T in design, assembly, inspection, and application, helping them understand and learn to apply GD&T.
GD&T 的英文全称是“Geometric Dimensioning and geometric Tolerancing”, 国内可以理解为“尺寸和几何公差规范”。其中包含尺寸标注和几何公差两部分内容。本课程将引导学员剖析GD&T 在设计、装配、检测和应用等等方面的优点,让学员理解并学会应用 GD&T。

  • 2024-03-04 - 2024-03-05 | 10:00 - 17:00
  • Online Training