
The European Chamber Southwest China Chapter sincerely invites you to attend the Seminar on The future of Double Carbon: Carbon Management and Photovoltaic Green Supply Chain at 15:00-17:20 on 8th June (Thursday), 2023 in Chengdu.

中国欧盟商会西南分会诚邀您参加将于2023年6月8日(星期四)15:00-17:20举行的讲座 “双碳未来:碳排放管理与光伏绿色供应链”成都场。

  • 2023-06-08 | 15:00 - 17:20
  • Executive Lounge, 29F, Primcasa Chengdu 成都合景誉舍国际公寓与全套房酒店 29楼行政酒廊

The European Chamber Southwest China Chapter sincerely invites you to attend the Seminar on The future of Double Carbon: Carbon Management and Photovoltaic Green Supply Chain at 15:00-17:20 on 7th June, Wednesday, 2023.
中国欧盟商会西南分会诚邀您参加将于2023年6月7日(星期三)15:000-17:20举行的讲座 “双碳未来:碳排放管理与光伏绿色供应链”(重庆场)

  • 2023-06-07 | 15:00 - 17:20
  • Meeting Room 6+7, 2F, A2 Block, SinoSwiss Technopark 中瑞产业园A2栋2楼6+7会议室

With a view to meeting the target to reach the peak of carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 while realizing carbon neutrality by 2060, President Xi announced to the rest of the world that China would increase its contribution by adopting improved policies and measures at the United Nations General Assembly on March 5th 2020.


China's commitment of "carbon neutrality" put new requirements for Chinese enterprises and the concept is not only an opportunity but challenge and responsibility in particular to Chinese companies.

  • 2023-05-25 | 13:30 - 16:30
  • Sunwah International Conference Centre (Sunwah Tianxi Centre)

Ad-hoc working group meeting: Discussion on three drafted technical guidelines for comments

  • 2023-05-24 | 13:30 - 15:00
  • Zoom Online
Members only

The Central Economic Working Conference held at the end of 2022 identified "focusing on expanding domestic demand" as a key task for 2023, and proposed to prioritize the restoration and expansion of consumption. Within the context, "consumption of elderly care service" had been specifically mentioned as a "potentiality" for expanding domestic demand and promoting consumption.

The consumption of elderly care services is placed in an important position, which is closely related to the accelerating aging process in China. According to statistics, as of the end of 2021, 14.2% of the elderly aged 65 and above in China have exceeded the 14% deep aging line, and China has officially entered a deep aging society.

  • 2023-05-20 | 08:30 - 10:30
  • Conrad Hotel 83rd Floor / 沈阳康莱德酒店83层
Members only

商务部拟于5月17日-19日第五届“中国⻄部国际投资贸易洽谈会” 期间,与重庆市人⺠政府共同举办“投资中国年” ⻄部地区专场推介活动,邀请重点产业跨国公司和投资机构赴⻄部地区了解产业发展情况,考察投资环境及产业项目,搭建与⻄部地区对接合作的高效平台。届时 ⻄部地区12个省 (区、市)将分产业领域,以重点项目路演推介的形式,与受邀出席活动的嘉宾开展产业对接和洽谈合作。

  • 2023-05-17 - 2023-05-19 | 13:00 - 21:20
  • InterContinental Chongqing Raffles Hotel
Members only

Financial Seminar: Interpretation on Exchange Facilitation Policies & Financial Products and Services Introduction
Networking in Topgolf Swing Suite

  • 2023-05-11 | 13:50 - 16:00
  • Social 1, G Floor, Topgolf Chengdu 拓高乐成都体育娱乐中心 G层乐聚厅

EU SME Centre event

  • 2023-05-11 | 16:00 - 17:30
  • C405, Beijing Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

The European Chamber Shenyang Chapter Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Friday, 28th April 2023 Shenyang New World EXPO, 2nd Floor, 201-202 Meeting Room.

The AGM will be held in two sessions: I) board election; and II) a panel discussion on EU-China relations and international business, followed by a 5-star buffet.

Note: Only staff and members of the European Chamber Shenyang Chapter may attend Session I: Board Election. Non-members and friends are welcome to join Session II and buffet dinner from 17:10.

  • 2023-04-28 | 15:00 - 20:30
  • Shenyang New World EXPO 2nd floor, 201-202 Meeting Room 新世界博览馆二楼201-202会议室

EU SME Centre event

  • 2023-04-26 | 16:00 - 17:30
  • Online via zoom