
Over 2023, the global landscape underwent various international crises, from the protracted conflict in Ukraine to the unrest in the Gaza Strip, which have had far-reaching negative effects on the global and regional economy. For all the economic worries of a real estate crisis, government debt overload, and high youth unemployment, China looks to have managed an acceptable 5+% year growth off its low base of 2022 and the outlook for 2024 is subdued at around 4+%. Against the backdrop of significant geopolitical shifts, the evolving dynamics between China, the European Union, and the United States — the world's leading economic powers — are central to understanding the future direction of international business and commerce.

  • 2024-01-31 | 15:30 - 17:30
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office 中国欧盟商会上海办公室

The European Chamber Southwest China Chapter is delighted to invite you to attend the HR Seminar: Talent Acquisition and Compliances (Chongqing) on 24th January (Wednesday) 2024.
中国欧盟商会西南分会诚邀您于2024年1月24日(星期三)举行的“人力资源研讨会——人才招募与合规性” (重庆场)。

  • 2024-01-24 | 14:30 - 17:00
  • 1507A Meeting room

The European Chamber Southwest China Chapter sincerely invites you to join the Exclusive Meeting with the EU Delegation Trade section counsellor Helene Juramy (Chongqing) on 24th January (Wednesday) , 2024.The meeting will provide a chance for member companies to learn and discuss about the latest business information and trade trends between China and Europe. The event will provide a platform for member companies to learn about the latest business information and trade trends between China and Europe.

  • 2024-01-24 | 13:00 - 14:30
  • 1507A Meeting room
Members only

Happiness has been widely studies in psychology, economics, and other social sciences in recent decades. Happiness is an important measure for well-being, in addition to objective well-being measures such as GDP per capita and poverty. Policy-makers worldwide increasingly see happiness as an important and overarching objective of public policy. With encouragement from the OECD, nearly all its member states now measure the happiness of their people annually.

  • 2024-01-24 | 13:30 - 16:45
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office 中国欧盟商会上海办公室

In celebration of CEIBS' upcoming 30th anniversary in2024, the CEIBS Outlook Series will welcome Professor Romano Prodi, former Prime Minister of Italy and former President of the European Commission, to give a keynote speech at our Shanghai campus on Thursday, January 18. A distinguished figure in international politics and diplomacy, Professor Prodi, will delve into the complex and timely theme of "Geopolitics and Multipolar Diplomacy: A European Perspective, exploring the intersection of these two vital topics in today's world. The discussion will highlight the multifaceted challenges and opportunities that arise as nations navigate an intricate geopolitical landscape.

  • 2024-01-18 | 15:00 - 17:30
  • Shanghai Petrochemical Auditorium, CEIBS
Members only

European Chamber Agriculture, Food and Beverage, Auto Components, Cosmetic, Heating, Fashion and Leather Working Groups and Desks are pleased to invite you to attend the working group meeting of Interpretation of Shanghai’s Consumer Protection Regulation.

  • 2024-01-12 | 14:30 - 16:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office
Members only

2023 Annual Finance and Taxation Regulation and Updates Review 2023年度财税研讨会

  • 2024-01-05 | 13:30 - 17:30
  • Deloitte Meeting Room, 45F Metropolitan Tower
Tianjin > Seminars

Human Resource WG Seminar

Labor Contract Law updated

  • 2006-12-05 | 09:00
  • European Chamber Tianjin Office

The European Chamber is pleased to invite you to attend the seminar held by Hewitt Associates in Chengdu.

  • 2006-10-12 | 14:00
  • Jin Jiang Hotel
Tianjin > Seminars

Human Resource WG Seminar

Staff retention

  • 2006-09-26 | 09:30
  • European Chamber Tianjin Office