
This course is intended for Government Affairs (GA) practitioners better understand and deal with the relationship between the enterprise and Chinese government, and how to advocate the business interests of enterprise to the government more effectively on this basis. Specifically, the program focuses on how to identify the right stakeholders, build win-win solutions, and communicate effectively with the internal & external stakeholders.

  • 2021-09-15 | 14:00 - 16:30
  • Online training

Under the former communication form of single source of information, enterprises only need to improve media relations to prevent large-scale public opinion crisis.However, in the mobile age, the butterfly effect does exist, and there are too many cases where any individual's Revelations can trigger a massive public opinion crisis.In this case, it is very necessary to further improve the understanding of the communication characteristics of the public opinion crisis in the mobile communication environment. At the same time, it is also necessary to grasp and understand the relevant solutions.

  • 2021-09-14 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • INNO Space Nanjing Office

Python will help you solve the following problems:
1. Repetitive work takes up most of the time
2. Improve work efficiency
3. improve the core competitiveness

  • 2021-09-09 - 2021-11-11 | 19:00 - 20:30
  • Online

中国欧盟商会与TUV莱茵学院合作开展LP 精益生产/生产制造管理系列课程,以下是7月-12月即将开展的课程清单,计划会定期更新,如有其他培训需求,请联系中国欧盟商会活动负责人莫静倩女士。

A series of LP lean production/manufacturing management lessons will be jointly held by the European Chamber of Commerce in China and the TUV Rheinland. The class schedules from July to December are listed below and will be updated regularly. For any training courses please contact the Events Manager of the EUCCC, Ms. Jingqian Mo.

  • 2021-09-06 - 2021-09-30 | 09:00 - 18:00
  • Guangzhou,Shenzhen,etc

中国欧盟商会与TUV莱茵学院合作开展 VDA 德国汽车工业联合会|汽车行业|新能源汽车|ATC 汽车技术与售后服务系列课程系列培训课程,为了帮助会员制定2021年的员工培训计划,现为您提供莱茵学院系列培训清单,如需了解课程详情,请联系中国欧盟商会活动负责人莫静倩女士。

A series of Auto Industry Training Courses will be jointly held by the European Chamber of Commerce in China and the TUV Rheinland. The class schedules from January to June are listed as below and will be updated regularly. For any training courses please contact the Events Manager of the EUCCC, Ms. Jingqian Mo.

  • 2021-09-06 - 2021-09-30 | 09:00 - 18:00
  • 广州;深圳 等

中国欧盟商会与TUV莱茵学院合作开展SQM 采购与供应链系列课程,以下是7月-12月即将开展的课程清单,计划会定期更新,如有其他培训需求,请联系中国欧盟商会活动负责人莫静倩女士。

A series of SQM procurement and supply chain series lessons will be jointly held by the European Chamber of Commerce in China and the TUV Rheinland. The class schedules from July to December are listed below and will be updated regularly. For any training courses please contact the Events Manager of the EUCCC, Ms. Jingqian Mo.

  • 2021-09-06 - 2021-09-30 | 09:00 - 18:00
  • Guangzhou,Shenzhen,etc

中国欧盟商会与TUV莱茵学院合作开展 VDA 德国汽车工业联合会|汽车行业|新能源汽车|ATC 汽车技术与售后服务系列课程系列培训课程,为了帮助会员制定2021年的员工培训计划,现为您提供莱茵学院系列培训清单,如需了解课程详情,请联系中国欧盟商会活动负责人莫静倩女士。

A series of Auto Industry Training Courses will be jointly held by the European Chamber of Commerce in China and the TUV Rheinland. The class schedules from January to June are listed as below and will be updated regularly. For any training courses please contact the Events Manager of the EUCCC, Ms. Jingqian Mo.

  • 2021-09-06 - 2021-09-30 | 09:00 - 18:00
  • 广州;深圳 等

中国欧盟商会与TUV莱茵学院合作开展质量管理体系五大核心工具(APQP PPAP FMEA SPC MSA)系列课程,以下是2021年1月-6月即将开展的课程清单,计划会定期更新,如有其他培训需求,请联系中国欧盟商会活动负责人莫静倩女士。

  • 2021-09-06 - 2021-09-30 | 09:00 - 22:00
  • Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Xiamen, etc

This course is aimed at those who are facing career transition. It shares you how to deal with various problems: when you encounter career bottleneck, how to break through rebirth, how to transfer job and cross major, how to win fast, how to bounce back from sudden layoffs. Facing midlife crisis, how to get a new life and how to find freedom in the second half of life,. 本课程针对面临职业生涯转型的职场人,教会你应对各种问题:遇到职业瓶颈,如何突破重生。转岗又跨专业。如何取得速赢。突然遭遇裁员,如何绝地反弹。面临中年危机,如何获得新生。两娃妈又996,如何找到平衡。人生下半场,如何找到自由。

  • 2021-09-05 - 2021-09-26 | 09:00 - 12:00
  • online

The climate crisis will be the defining issue of the 2020s. All eyes are on governments, businesses and organizations the world over as they face growing demand for greater efforts to cut carbon emissions –and with reason. The Paris Agreement seeks to keep the global temperature increase to well below 2°C and pursue efforts to keep it to 1.5°C. China has announced an ambitious goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2060. In the simplest of terms, carbon neutrality means having net-zero carbon dioxide emissions. To achieve this, you have to balance carbon emissions with carbon removal. For every amount of carbon a company or country produces, it should be taking steps to remove the same amount of carbon from the atmosphere if it wants to achieve carbon neutrality.

  • 2021-09-02 - 2021-09-04 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • online