
Business English email communication is the most common, convenient and lowest cost communication method in workplace communication. Almost everyone needs to use e-mail to communicate, whether it is a customer service representative, an executive, a grass-roots employee or a CEO. Therefore, efficient English email communication is not only an essential basic skill, but also a magic weapon for career promotion. In order to better help professionals conduct efficient business e-mail communication, this course will mainly explain the creation of e-mail, the structure of e-mail content, effective communication methods of e-mail, and how to deal with e-mail in some different scenarios.


  • 2022-07-08 | 09:00 - 12:00
  • Online webinar

Government communication is an art, and the sense of propriety is very important! Government communication document writing is an important and indispensable basic work for enterprises, and it is the link and bridge between enterprises and the government. Improving the writing level of government communication documents is of great significance to promoting government affairs (GA) and even business operations of enterprises.


  • 2022-07-05 - 2022-07-26 | 14:00 - 16:00
  • Online webinar

The safety and effectiveness of medical devices are the basic requirements of medical device regulatory bodies and relevant regulations, and the primary task of relevant enterprises in the medical device lifecycle (design, production, operation, use and disposal), which are the basic conditions for obtaining medical device manufacturing and operation qualifications. This course will explain in detail the application of ISO 14971:2019-Risk Management to medical devices, and through practical case studies and analysis, enable participants to understand what risk management of medical devices is, and to master the procedures and methods of risk management, so as to ensure effective risk control throughout the product lifecycle, and to provide a strong guarantee for medical device qualification and third-party supervision. The course provides a strong guarantee for medical device qualification and third-party supervision.

医疗器械的安全和有效是医疗器械监管机构和相关法规的基本要求,也是医疗器械生命周期(设计、生产、经营、使用及处置)中相关企业的首要任务,是获得医疗器械生产和经营资质的基本条件。本课程将详细讲解 ISO 14971:2019—风险管理对医疗器械的应用,通过实际案例练习和分析,使学员理解什么是医疗器械的风险管理,熟练掌握常风险管理程序和方法,确保在产品生命周期全过程实现对风险的有效地管控,为医疗器械的资质获取和第三方监管提供有力保障。

  • 2022-07-04 - 2022-07-05 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online webinar

ISO900 quality management system series standards reflect the best and most basic management ideas and management requirements in the world, and have been fully recognized and applied in the global market environment. ISO 9001 standard emphasizes the process method as well as the integration of risk management into the organization's business operation, and strives to help an organization obtain profits and move towards sustainable success!

ISO 9000族质量管理体系系列标准体现了当今世界最优秀、最基本的管理思想和管理要求,在全球范围内、市场环境下得到了充分的认可和应用。ISO 9001标准强调过程方法、强调风险管理融入组织的业务过程,努力帮助一个组织获取利润、走向持续成功!ISO 45001,ISO 14001帮助组织提高职业健康安全&环境绩效,履行合规义务,实现职业健康安全&环境目标,推进企业的可持续发展。

  • 2022-07-04 - 2022-07-05 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online webinar

Nowadays, the pandemic is getting serious everywhere, and online teaching is implemented in schools and all kinds of training agents. Compared with traditional offline teaching, what are the characteristics of online teaching and how to achieve twice the result with half the effort through online teaching or marketing in a sense, so as to impress the audience becomes particularly important.


  • 2022-06-28 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online training

The effect of training lies not only in the content, but also in the use of a variety of teaching methods, so as to improve the trainees' acceptance of the training content and change the behavior of the trainees. In reality, many lecturers and training managers have a one-sided understanding and mastery of the training methods, either reading the whole ppt or using a large number of videos, without targeted design according to the teaching content and objectives.This course aims to carry out on-site analysis and practice of common teaching methods through systematic practical training, and teach you to design teaching scripts, task arrangement skills, on-site control skills, guidance skills, etc., so as to enhance the training effect and improve the training efficiency through the systematic combination of various training methods.


  • 2022-06-27 - 2022-07-15 | 19:30 - 21:00
  • Online webinar

This Excel training suitable for employees who want to improve their work efficiency and master data analysis methods.


  • 2022-06-21 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Online training

An excellent company is composed of efficient teams, and an effiecient team needs individuals who are good at communication and having remarkable team spirit. "Individualistic heroism" has become the past. The realization of the strategic goals of modern enterprises needs to rely on high-performance and high-execution teams. How to maximize the potentiality of teams so as to achieve 1+1>2 performance? The core of this training program relies on how to overcome the communication barriers between people, superiors and subordinates, subordinates and superiors, and counterparts, and how to build an efficient team.

一个优秀的公司,依赖于一个高效的团队,而团队需要懂得沟通和有高效团队精神的个人。“个人英雄”时代已成历史,现代企业战略目标的实现,需要依靠高绩效、高执行力的团队。如何充分发挥团队资源, 做到 1+1>2?如何跨越人与人、上级与下级、下级与上级,平级的沟通障碍,建设高效团队,是本课程的核心思想。

  • 2022-06-20 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • 2nd Floor, SGS Dalian

为了帮助企业既从整体传播策略又从微观运营的角度,整体来理解视频号,从而做出适合企业的决策。我们推出了本次课程,对进一步的运营提供借鉴思路和实践技巧。 In order to help enterprises both from the overall communication strategy and from the perspective of micro operation, the whole to understand the video number, so as to make a suitable decision for enterprises. We launched this course to provide reference ideas and practical skills for further operation.

  • 2022-06-17 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • zoom online

Production managers are occupied by issues such as being short of hands and materials, clients continuously pushing for delivery. All these may be due to problems in production planning and inventory control. How to make a thoughtful and comprehensive production planning and to decrease inventory has become the top priority of production and operation management, and this is also an important part of integral supply chain management. Facing strong market competition as well as diversified and personalized customer needs, companies have to arrive at a production planning that meets the needs of customers. Shorten order cycle, reduce inventory turnover and improve customer satisfaction in delivery.


  • 2022-06-04 - 2022-06-05 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online webinar