
Common problems and misunderstandings of enterprises
·How to relax tolerances scientifically? What are the new tolerance application experiences?
·How to reduce technical disputes and simplify measurement work? So as to reduce the risk of measurement, as well as avoid the occurrence of misacceptance and rejection?
·How to improve the level of research and development, save manufacturing costs, improve the pass rate?
This course is highly practical. Several practical cases (especially classic error cases) are interspersed throughout the training. These cases will guide students to analyze the advantages of GD&T in design, assembly, inspection and application, so that students can understand and learn to apply GD&T.

本课程实用性很强,将若干实用案例(特别是经典错误案例)穿插在培训中,这些案例将引导学员剖析GD&T 在设计、装配、检测和应用等等方面的优点,让学员理解并学会应用 GD&T。

  • 2022-12-12 - 2022-12-13 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online Training

This training is a 3-day live online training.
The automotive industry quality system standard IATF 16949:2016, developed by the IATF, clearly stipulates that organizations should have qualified internal auditors. This course is specifically designed for organisations implementing IATF 16949:2016 or training for certification purposes. Participants will learn the intent and requirements of IATF 16949:2016, including an introduction to the process approach and its core tools for the automotive industry. Through a precise understanding of the standard requirements, the simulation audit of the application of audit techniques and process methods in the automotive industry, the internal auditors of the organization can master the basic requirements of IATF 16949:2016 and have the ability to plan and complete the internal audit.

本课程为 3 天在线直播课程。
IATF 所制定的汽车行业质量体系标准 IATF 16949:2016 中明确规定,组织应具有有资格的内部审核员。本课程特别为组织推行 IATF 16949:2016 或认证目的培训。学员将学习到 IATF 16949:2016 的意图和要求,包括过程方法及其汽车行业核心工具介绍。通过对标准要求的精准理解,汽车行业审核技巧及过程方法应用的模拟审核,使组织的内审员可以掌握 IATF 16949:2016 基本要求并有能力策划完成内部审核。

  • 2022-12-12 - 2022-12-14 | 09:00 - 17:30
  • Online webinar

By deeply understanding the content of ISO 13485, this course will deepen the understanding of the specific requirements, risk analysis and evaluation, identification and traceability, feedback system, warning system, advisory notice, etc. related to the safety and effectiveness of medical devices. According to the basic principles of auditing, we can audit the internal quality management system, obtain audit evidence, and conduct a correct and objective audit evaluation of ISO 13485 system from the aspects of meeting the requirements of laws and regulations and maintaining an effective quality management system.

本课程将通过深入了解 ISO 13485 标准内容,加深理解医疗器械所特有的与产品安全性有效性有关的特定要求、风险分析和评估、标识与追溯、反馈系统、警戒系统、忠告性通知等;并能按照审核的基本原则,执行内部质量管理体系审核,获取审核证据,从满足法规要求、保持有效的质量管理体系等方面对 ISO 13485 体系进行正确客观的审核评价。

  • 2022-12-12 - 2022-12-14 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online webinar

The new EU Medical Device Regulation MDR (EU)2017/745, which replaces the previous MDD (93/42/EEC) directive and AIMD (90/385/EEC) directive, entered into force in May 2017 and became mandatory in May 2021. Compared with the current medical device directive, MDR adds many new regulatory requirements, such as the requirement of unique device identification (UDI), the requirement of regularly updating CE technical documents, and the requirement of post-market supervision. The transition period of MDR is very short, and this change is bound to have a significant impact on relevant Chinese medical device enterprises, which requires active response. This course provides guidance for organizations upgrading from MDD to MDR certification to customize and implement an independent CE conversion plan.

新的欧盟医疗器械法规 MDR (EU)2017/745 取代了之前的 MDD(93/42/EEC)指令和 AIMD(90/385/EEC)指令,已于 2017 年 5 月生效,并于 2021 年 5 月强制实施。相比现行医疗器械指令而言,MDR 增加了很多新的法规要求,比如:唯一器械标识(UDI)的要求、定期更新 CE 技术文件的要求、上市后市场监督的要求等。MDR 过渡期时间很短,此次变更势必对相关中国医疗器械企业造成重大影响,需要积极应对。此课程为 MDD 升级到 MDR 认证的企业提供指导,定制一套独立的 CE 转换计划并有效实施。

  • 2022-12-12 - 2022-12-15 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online Training

At present, the downward pressure on the economy is huge, operating costs are constantly increasing, orders are changing to small batches and multiple varieties, market competition is becoming more and more fierce, product iteration is accelerating, and uncertain factors in the external environment are increasing... What is the panacea to help Toyota maintain such prosperity The vitality of the world has created the myth of immortality that attracts the attention of the world? The answer is the Toyota lean management model.

当下,经济下行压力巨大,运营成本不断提升,订单向小批量多品种转变且市场竞争越演越烈,产品迭代加快,外部环境的不确定因素不断增多……是什么灵丹妙药帮助丰田汽车保持如此旺盛的生命力,创造了令世人瞩目的不老神话呢? 答案是丰田精益管理模式。

  • 2022-12-12 - 2022-12-15 | 13:00 - 16:30
  • Online webinar

It is more common for companies involving in a public opinion crisis. A response to the public is necessary. Some companies accept media interviews, some send lawyer letters to media, and some post statements on their official websites and official accounts.
However, there are very few successful cases that can calm the public opinion with a single response. More often, the response got no attention at all, or even worse, the response triggers a new round of public discussion in a negative way. In this case, some companies are rather like to keep silent, which means giving up the chance of explanation.
In this lesson, we select and analyze the successful public opinion response of some crisis. By doing so, we will learn how to respond to public opinion.


  • 2022-12-02 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Zoom 会议



  • 2022-11-24 - 2022-11-25 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online training (2 days)

MMOG/LE is a set of operational practices and procedures widely used in logistics management/logistics review. It is a certification system for the standardized management of supplier logistics. It is regarded as a "best practice guidelines" for material planning and logistics processes. Its goal is to develop a common material plan and logistics review standard that can be used by all business members (internal and external); to develop and optimize material planning and logistics continuous improvement plan, and then bring more value on the time spent on these activities; to develop a material planning and logistics system framework for product and service suppliers in automotive supply; at the same time, to expect to be the basis to promote the enterprise continuous improvement plan benchmarking activities.

第五版 MMOG/LE ( Materials Management Operations Guideline/Logistics Evaluation 称MMOG/LE),是一套广泛在物流管理/物流评审中所使用的营运实践和程序,是一项对供应商物流进行规范管理的认证体系,被看作物料计划和物流过程的“最佳实践准则”。它的目标,是为所有业务成员(内部的和外部的),制定一份能够使用的共同物料计划和物流评审标准;能够开发并优化物料计划和物流持续改进计划,然后让花费在这些活动上的时间带来更大的价值;为汽车供应中的产品和服务供应商,建立一个物料计划和物流系统的架构;同时,期望作为将其推动企业持续改进计划标杆活动的基础。

  • 2022-11-03 - 2022-11-04 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online Training

The Science Carbon Target is an initiative of CDP, UNGC, WRI and WWF. To prevent severe climate change, the further acceleration of the global transition to a low-carbon economy, with a target of a global average temperature rise of less than 1.5°C/2°C above pre-industrial levels by 2100, requires an ambitious emissions reduction target on which to base itself to ensure that its own transition actions are consistent with the level required by climate science. Raising corporate ambitions for climate action by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, setting targets and mapping out emission reduction pathways can be termed 'science-based' emission reduction targets.


  • 2022-11-01 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online training

The seven old and new QC tools (methods) are all summed up by Japan. After the Japanese proposed the old seven tools and achieved success, they proposed the new seven tools in 1979. The old seven methods of QC focus on statistical analysis, aiming at improvement after problems occur; the new seven methods of QC focus on thinking and analysis process, mainly emphasizing prevention before problems occur, and more emphasis on the application of language and other information, as well as team discussions. way to proceed.

新旧 QC 七大工具(手法),都是由日本总结出来的。日本人在提出旧七种工具推行并获得成功之后,1979 年又提出新七种工具。旧 QC 七大手法偏重于统计分析,针对问题发生后的改善;新 QC 七大手法偏重于思考分析过程,主要是强调在问题发生前进行预防,更偏重应用语言文字等讯息,以及团队讨论的方式来进行。

  • 2022-10-31 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online training