
In 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic, digital disruption, the US-China relationship and climate change are some of the top risks for businesses to watch for. Underpinning these risks, the potential of missing the rebound in a year of multi-speed recovery is a top risk for businesses. Businesses need to learn the lessons and embrace the positives.

What risks should be on the radar of businesses? What is the intensity of the potential disruption that they could cause? These and more questions will be addressed during this session.

  • 2021-03-02 | 14:30 - 16:00
  • In person from the European Chamber Shanghai office and online via Zoom

As China is well on its way to become a global superpower, over decades, organisations have recognised this potential and the possibilities its untapped market holds. New and well-established businesses acknowledge that China calls for a whole different approach to understand its dynamics, no matter the industry. Understanding and optimizing all factors involved in a businesses’ China strategy is the key for those looking to expand their operations.
This event will focus on what the future holds for organisations looking to expand in China, a glimpse into developing the right China strategy, and lesson sharing from veteran expansion managers.

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China welcomes various speakers with experience in China expansion to share their view on this matter.

  • 2021-02-26 | 16:00 - 18:10
  • Online via Zoom & In person from the Shanghai Office of the European Chamber

Join us for a comprehensive overview of sustainable Chinese projects abroad, including opportunities for European participation, with speakers from the National Energy Administration, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Schneider Electric, and Dorsey & Whitney.

  • 2021-02-05 | 09:00 - 11:40
  • European Chamber Beijing and Shanghai Offices and Online via Zoom Webinar Platform
National > Forums

Marketing Trends in 2021
Fully booked

2020 brought marketers with both disruptions and opportunities such as short videos and live-streaming. The way of how people communicate and live their lives have altered considerably and therefore influenced how companies operate and communicate with their clients. Having lived with COVID-19 for a year now, changes that we once considered temporary might become the new normal. Looking into 2021, what are the trends marketers need to be aware of? What should be listed on the top of 2021 marketing strategy? The European Chamber Marketing and Communications Forum is delighted to invite Jenny, China editor at WARC and Kevin Choi, Head of Strategy at Havas Group Greater China to share their insights.

  • 2021-01-26 | 14:00 - 16:00
  • Online via Zoom or Offline at European Chamber Beijing or Shanghai Office

This Marketing and Communications Forum webinar is free for all members. We're delighted to invite Ms Jenny Chan, China Editor at WARC, to present top associated market trends for brands in post-pandemic era; Ms Lydia Lee, China President and Global Co-head of Technology, Weber Shandwick, Mr Emmanuel Caisse, Head of Analytics, Weber Shandwick APAC (TBC) to present the Road to Recovery – A Communicator’s Guide to Navigating COVID-19; and Ms Yue Yu, Beijing Partner of Brunswick to present how to build a better China business story in the new wave of Pandemic.

  • 2020-04-07 | 15:00 - 17:00
  • Online (Zoom)