
By deeply understanding the content of ISO 13485, this course will deepen the understanding of the specific requirements, risk analysis and evaluation, identification and traceability, feedback system, warning system, advisory notice, etc. related to the safety and effectiveness of medical devices. According to the basic principles of auditing, we can audit the internal quality management system, obtain audit evidence, and conduct a correct and objective audit evaluation of ISO 13485 system from the aspects of meeting the requirements of laws and regulations and maintaining an effective quality management system.

本课程将通过深入了解 ISO 13485 标准内容,加深理解医疗器械所特有的与产品安全性有效性有关的特定要求、风险分析和评估、标识与追溯、反馈系统、警戒系统、忠告性通知等;并能按照审核的基本原则,执行内部质量管理体系审核,获取审核证据,从满足法规要求、保持有效的质量管理体系等方面对 ISO 13485 体系进行正确客观的审核评价。

  • 2022-08-15 - 2022-08-17 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online webinar

Excel办公软件在财务管理、人力资源管理等诸多方面应用极其广泛。但据统计,大多数职场白领应用到Excel的功能不足10%,强大的办公软件大多数时候只能成为摆设,实属可悲。工欲善其事,必先利其器。为了让更多的人能够快速掌握 Excel在职场中的高效应用方法,Office高效办公专家李宪磊老师以多年的企业实战工作经验和企业实际需求为出发点,开发出《Excel玩转高效办公应用》课程。本课程结合日常的数据存储、数据处理、数据分析、数据呈现需要,从Excel数据管理的十八般兵器、常用函数与公式应用、数据透视表、图表应用及美化等方面针对常见问题讲解各类解决方法和应用技巧,让学员在短时间内掌握Excel最实用的功能和应用技巧,并通过身边案例举一反三,学用结合,真正让学员掌握知识、提高办公技能。

Excel office software is widely used in financial management, human resource management and many other aspects. However, according to statistics, less than 10% of the functions of most white-collar workers in the workplace are applied to Excel. Most of the time, powerful office software can only be used as decoration, which is really sad. If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. In order to allow more people to quickly master the efficient application of Excel in the workplace, Office efficient office expert Mr. Li Xianlei developed the course "Excel in Efficient Office Application" based on years of practical work experience in enterprises and the actual needs of enterprises. This course combines daily data storage, data processing, data analysis, and data presentation needs, and explains various types of common problems from the eighteen weapons of Excel data management, common functions and formula applications, pivot tables, chart applications and beautification. Solutions and application skills allow students to master the most practical functions and application skills of Excel in a short period of time, and draw inferences from other cases around them, combining learning and application, so that students can truly master knowledge and improve office skills.

  • 2022-08-15 - 2022-08-16 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online training

As China-US relations deteriorate further, what will this mean for the evolving international geopolitical landscape? Will other countries be able to remain on the sidelines? How will heightened China-US tensions influence the current flow of business, trading and investment?

The European Chamber invites you to join this session for insights and projections on what’s next for China-US relations and its impact on the global economy.

  • 2022-08-11 | 16:30 - 17:20
  • Online, ZOOM

ISO900 quality management system series standards reflect the best and most basic management ideas and management requirements in the world, and have been fully recognized and applied in the global market environment. ISO 9001 standard emphasizes the process method as well as the integration of risk management into the organization's business operation, and strives to help an organization obtain profits and move towards sustainable success!

ISO 9000族质量管理体系系列标准体现了当今世界最优秀、最基本的管理思想和管理要求,在全球范围内、市场环境下得到了充分的认可和应用。ISO 9001标准强调过程方法、强调风险管理融入组织的业务过程,努力帮助一个组织获取利润、走向持续成功!ISO 45001,ISO 14001帮助组织提高职业健康安全&环境绩效,履行合规义务,实现职业健康安全&环境目标,推进企业的可持续发展。

  • 2022-08-10 - 2022-08-11 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online webinar

Many middle-level managers of enterprises are promoted from employees. They can handle their work but not lead people, and they have seldom got systematic training. Most of their experience comes from copying their predecessors or relying on their own long-term exploration. Without a clear self-positioning, no standards and systems, and no scientific management concept, the company will always create problems first and then clean up the mess. Therefore, how to systematically train middle-level managers in enterprises has become an important issue for today's enterprises; whoever wins the middle-level management will win the future of the enterprise.


  • 2022-08-09 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online webinar





Most middle-level managers in enterprises are promoted from employees. This training will help the new managers know:

How to turn from technology to management, from working to leading teamwork?

  • 2022-08-09 - 2022-08-10 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Zoom online

This exclusive on invitation only tour is part of the EU Chambers signature events to introduce publicly not accessible treasures of art and history to our interested members.

This unique art collection is not open to the public and not prepared for a large number of visitors. Therefore, the number of guests of this exclusive tour to this private art collection is very limited.

  • 2022-08-06 | 13:00 - 21:30
  • Tangka Museum (inside of office building of Shenyang Dongfukang Pharmacy)
Members only

The European Chamber International Liner Shipping WG, Legal and Competition WG, and HR WG are delighted to co-host a working group meeting with the Management Committee of Lin Gang Special Area to support business resumption under Covid times and solidify foreign-invested companies' confidences in China.

  • 2022-08-05 - 2022-08-05 | 14:00 - 16:00
  • Online via Zoom
Members only

Writing skills are essential for marketing and branding professionals. Different materials are needed for different occasions and media. Due to the influence by internet and booming of we media in China, the standard grammars and writing rules were forgotten. For example, the writing style of corporate articles to be published on media should follow more standard grammar and wording. Meanwhile, advertising contents posted on social media can be more informal. However, many writers lack of training confused them. In this training course ,we will focus on practical writing skills with many exercises.


  • 2022-07-29 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online webinar

Writing skills are essential for marketing and branding professionals.

Different materials are needed for different occasions and media.

Due to the influence by internet and booming of we media in China, the standard grammars and writing rules were forgotten. For example, the writing style of corporate articles to be published on media should follow more standard grammar and wording. Meanwhile, advertising contents posted on social media can be more informal. However, many writers lack of training confused them.

In this training course ,we will focus on practical writing skills with many exercises.

  • 2022-07-29 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • zoom online